Get Started
- Introduction to Encord
- 1. Goals with Encord
- 2. Set up your Organization
- 3. Import / Register Data
- 4. Create Dataset
- 5. Create an Ontology
- 6. Create a Project
- How to Label
- Overview of Encord Index
- Getting Started with Index
- Custom Metadata
- Add Files to Encord
- Files
- Index Basics
- Text & HTML Files
- Overview of Encord Annotate
- Get Started with Annotate
- Datasets
- Ontologies
- Agents
- Projects
- Export Labels
- Webhooks and Notifications
- Label Editor
- Automated Labeling
- Encord Annotate API
- Settings
- API Keys
- Annotate FAQ
- Overview of Encord Active
- Get Started with Active
- Importing
- Basics
- Custom Metadata
- Collections and Bulk Actions
- Embeddings
- Tutorials
- How to
- Model Evaluation
- Active Videos Guides
- Active FAQ
Annotate FAQ
Some users in India may experience issues accessing the app due to restrictions imposed by certain ISPs. This is a known issue related to the infrastructure used by our platform. For credibility and real-time updates, you can check the Firebase Status Page to confirm whether there are any ongoing outages or incidents.
If you are located in India and encounter problems accessing the app, follow these steps:
- Use the India-specific app domain: Access the app via our India-specific domain:
- Verify CORS Settings: Ensure that the CORS settings for your cloud storage buckets have been updated correctly. Detailed instructions can be found in our cloud integration documentation: AWS, GCP, Azure.
- Ensure you are using the Chrome browser, and that it is up-to-date.
- Try clearing your browser’s cache, refresh the page and try again.
- If you are still stuck, contact so can help you resolve this issue.
- Click Forgot password on the Encord Global login page or Encord US login page.
- Enter the email address you used to sign up to Encord.
Click Reset password. An email containing a secure link for resetting your password is sent to the email address you provided.
Open your email inbox and open the email with the subject Reset your Encord password sent by
Click the Reset my password button in the email. A new page opens in your browser.
Enter a new password for your Encord account. Re-enter the password to confirm your new password.
Click Submit.
You can now log into your Encord account using your new password.
Your DNS settings might not be configured correctly.
Windows 10
Go to the Control Panel.
Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
- To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, right-click the Ethernet interface and select Properties.
- To change the settings for a wireless connection, right-click the Wi-Fi interface and select Properties.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Select the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then click Properties.
- Select Use the following DNS server addresses. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers:
- For IPv4: and/or
- Click OK.
Windows 11
Go to Settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
- If you are using Wi-Fi, click Wi-Fi, click Hardware properties, then click Edit next to DNS server assignment.
- If you are using an ethernet connection, click Ethernet, then click Edit next to DNS server assignment.
- Using the drop-down menu, select Manual, then toggle IPv4 to On. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers:
- For IPv4: and/or
Your DNS settings might not be configured correctly.
macOS Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura or later
Click the Apple logo and select System Settings in the menu.
Click Network.
Select the first Wi-Fi or Ethernetconnection in the list (the connection you are using).
- Click the Details button.
- Click DNS.
Click the + button in the DNS servers section.
Type in the text field.
- Click the + button again.
- Type in the text field.
- Click OK.
- Restart your Mac for the changes to take immediate effect.
macOS Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite
- Click the Apple logo and select System Preferences in the menu.
- Click Network.
- Select the first Wi-Fi or Ethernetconnection in the list (the connection you are using).
- CLick the Advanced button.
- Click the DNS tab.
- Click the + button in the DNS servers section.
- Type in the text field.
- Click the + button again.
- Type in the text field.
- Click OK.
- Click Apply.
- Restart your Mac for the changes to take immediate effect.
You can create user groups within your organization. These can be added to specific Projects as teams.
Our documentation on user groups can be found here.
For information on how to create teams for a given Project see the Team Management section in our documentation.
Don’t worry, no data has been lost! This is a warning from our system (known as the “editor lock”) it occurs when:
- Two different people are editing a task at the same time.
- Or, that one individual has the task open in two different tabs, or browser windows.
In both cases we recommend to click ‘cancel’ to prevent any unexpected data overwrites.
See our documentation here for more details.
A warning symbol is displayed when a project is too large - meaning it contains too much data. When selecting the project you should encounter the following message:
⚠️ “This project has exceeded the recommended number of tasks. To avoid performance issues, you need Admin access to manage and reduce the amount of data in this project”.
The diagram below illustrates the steps you should take to fix the issue.
Both image groups and image sequences are file types you can create in Encord to make labeling your images easier and more efficient. Both are created by taking multiple single images as an input, and compressing these into a single data unit. The difference lies in the resulting data unit.
- Image groups can contain images of varying orientations and are best thought of as a collection of images.
- Image sequences can only contain images of the same orientation - which allows them to be treated the same way that videos are in which each input image constitutes a single frame of the resulting image sequence.
See our documentation here for more details.
How to upload you DICOM data depends on whether you plan on using files stored in a private cloud, or locally.
- Local files can be dragged-and-dropped when creating a new Dataset.
- Files from your private cloud are uploaded using JSON files. We do not support upload via the CSV file format.
For information on uploading your DICOM files using the Encord SDK, see the relevant documentation here.
Client metadata can be updated by including the "upsert_metadata": true
flag in the upload JSON file. An example JSON file is provided here.
- Navigate to Datasets on our platform from or
- Re-name both datasets to make them distinguishable.
- Open up both cases in the editor, and see which one is which (e.g. which one is annotated and which is not).
- An annotator’s download speed from private cloud storage has to be at least 3-4 times the video bitrate.
- Make sure the videos have enough keyframes for smooth frame-by-frame navigation (roughly every 50 frames for high-resolution videos).
- Customers not using Files can re-encode videos on our platform when uploading the data to a Dataset.
- Customers using Files can re-encode videos in the Files section of the platform by right-clicking the video and selecting Re-encode.
- You are notified if we detect your files need re-encoding.
See the re-encoding data section in our documentation for more information.
We support the following formats and codecs:
– Provides the best performance. However,H.265
playback in Chrome requires hardware acceleration, which may be disabled on some lower-end Windows devices and Chromebooks.H.264
is a suitable alternative ifH.265
is not supported..mp4
Visit our documentation on compatibility for more information on data compatibility.
This could be browser issue. To resolve:
- Ensure you are using the Chrome browser.
- Turn hardware acceleration off.
- If you are still stuck, contact for assistance.
Updates to the display name take up to five minutes to appear in the UI.
Go to User Profile > Settings. The Settings page appears.
Click the Edit button in the Name row. The Name field becomes editable.
Provide the display name you want to use.
Press ENTER.
Check the sampling rate.
It’s possible that you are seeing a different number of classifications/annotations than expected because you have the sampling rate set too high/low.
There might be several possible causes if you see a “Something Went Wrong” error message in the Label Editor:
- CORS issues - when rendering an image or video from remote storage solutions (AWS S3, GCP, Azure) it is important to set up a valid Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS) Policy and failure to do so will result in errors when trying to load that remote content in the Encord application.
To resolve these, check that a valid CORS policy is applied to the remote storage bucket, which allows Encord’s domains. This varies between providers. For AWS the corresponding JSON looks like this:
"AllowedHeaders": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": []
- Connectivity issues - Check that your local connection is fast and performant. We also recommend that, when configuring your remote storage, you choose a location geographically proximate to your annotators to ensure the smoothest loading experience.
- Occasionally, you might notice an error loading from remote storage if the remote storage bucket itself is newly provisioned. This is because the cloud provider sometimes provisions in any region first (to improve provisioning speed) then moves it to the requested region afterwards. If the issue is not resolver after ~1hr, contact Encord support.
If the Label Editor crashes after attempting to load your cloud data file, it is likely that the signed URL is expiring. Refreshing the Label Editor re-signs the URL.
We recommend increasing the expiration time for signed URLs on your integration.
Your DNS settings might not be configured correctly.
Windows 10
Go to the Control Panel.
Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
- To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, right-click the Ethernet interface and select Properties.
- To change the settings for a wireless connection, right-click the Wi-Fi interface and select Properties.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Select the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then click Properties.
- Select Use the following DNS server addresses. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers:
- For IPv4: and/or
- Click OK.
Windows 11
Go to Settings.
Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
- If you are using Wi-Fi, click Wi-Fi, click Hardware properties, then click Edit next to DNS server assignment.
- If you are using an ethernet connection, click Ethernet, then click Edit next to DNS server assignment.
- Using the drop-down menu, select Manual, then toggle IPv4 to On. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers:
- For IPv4: and/or
The following example is used to re-order the first two objects, and attributes in an existing Ontology using the SDK. Pass the <ontology_hash>
into the user_client
’s get_ontology
method, perform the relevant changes, and call
to commit the changes:
# Import dependencies
from encord import EncordUserClient
# Authenticate with Encord using the path to your private key
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(
ontology = user_client.get_ontology("<ontology_hash>")
# Re-arrange first and second objects in the Ontology.
first_object = ontology.structure.objects[0]
second_object = ontology.structure.objects[1]
ontology.structure.objects[0] = second_object
ontology.structure.objects[1] = first_object
#Re-arrange attributes in the Ontology
first_att = ontology.structure.objects[0].attributes[0]
second_att = ontology.structure.objects[0].attributes[1]
ontology.structure.objects[0].attributes[1] = first_att
ontology.structure.objects[0].attributes[0] = second_att
Cloud Integrations
There are two methods to set up an Azure integration.
- By generating an account-level shared access signature (SAS).
- By using a service principal. Your user needs to be the admin of your Azure tenants for this method.
Both methods are described in detail in our documentation here
The use of special characters in object names should generally be avoided.
See the AWS docs here for more information.
In the interest of keeping your data secure we do not offer downloading via internet URLs.
A video needing to fetch data even though it has buffered implies that your AWS objects do not have caching enabled.
When setting up a permission policy for your AWS bucket ensure that all AWS objects used in Encord have the ‘S3 standard’ storage class.
Buffering issues
See our documentation here on tips to fixing buffering issues.
A video needing to fetch data even though it has buffered implies that your AWS objects do not have caching enabled.
When setting up a permission policy for your AWS bucket ensure that all AWS objects used in Encord have the ‘S3 standard’ storage class.
Find instructions for uploading the labels here in our documentation. We support JSON and COCO formats.
The review metadata will be exported in the JSON format. The ‘status’ will allow you to see what was reviewed and what wasn’t.
See our documentation here for more information.
Increase the timeout of your Encord client, given the size of the project this is a long-running query.
Yes, you can!
To do so, add an extra feature in the Ontology naming it, for example: Selected
-> Yes
Share the ontology tree with Encord Support to allow us to match the import script with the feature uuid (featureNodeHash
You can’t upload your own model - but you are able to import your model predictions via the SDK.
See our CVAT documentation here.
The object hash provides an efficient and convenient mechanism to store and retrieve data with ease. Each has serves as a unique lookup key within the platform.
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