Service accounts in Encord are non-human accounts that allow you to use Encord in a programmatic manner. For example, you might want to set up automated workflows using Encord’s SDK to do things like create Ontologies, create Projects, or even label and review tasks.

Create Service accounts

Only Encord Admins (not Project Admins) can create Service Accounts in Encord.

To create a Service Account:

  1. Go to My organization > Service Accounts. The Service Accounts page appears.

  2. Click Create service account.

  3. Provide a meaningful name for the service account. The name provided is appended into the email address used by the service account.

  4. Provide a meaningful description for the service account.

  5. Click Create service account. A new service account appears in the Service Account list.

  6. Click into the service account.

  7. Click New API key.

  8. Type a meaningful title for the key.

  9. Click Add API key. A file downloads to your computer containing the key.

  10. Return to the Service Accounts page.

  11. Apply a role to the service account:

    • Admin: Executive privileges over the Organization such as adding and removing users, and the ability to view all Projects in the Organization.
    • Member: No administrative privileges over your Organization. Can only view Projects they create, or have been invited to.
Encord Admins can create 1 Service Account per organization. Contact us at if you need more than 1 Service Account.

Using Service Accounts

Service Accounts are NOT accessible using the Encord UI. Service Accounts can only be used through the Encord SDK.

Generate an SSH Key

Generate an SSH key for the Service Account to use the SDK.

Each Service Account can create 5 SSH keys for use with Encord. Contact us at if you need more than 5 SSH keys for your Service Account.

Install the Encord SDK

Install the Encord SDK.

Update the Encord SDK regularly to use all the latest programmatic features.

Setup your programmatic pipelines

Use Encord’s SDK to setup your programmatic pipelines.

A common use case is creating a Service Account with managerial privileges, enabling it to perform key administrative tasks on behalf of the Organization Admin. See how to perform organization wide actions using the SDK here.