Use the Settings page to change your account’s settings.

To navigate to settings:

  1. Click the user icon in the top-right of the Encord platform.

  2. Click Settings.

The settings have several tabs:

Multi-Factor Authentication

In addition to your login credentials, Encord recommends that you add the alternate SMS verification to receive SMS for OTP while logging in to the Encord platform. You can enroll single or multiple devices for authentication.

  1. From the user menu (), click Settings.
  2. In the General tab, click the Manage Multi-Factor Auth button.
  3. In the Multi-Factor Authentication modal, provide a device name and the phone number that you want to enrol for SMS, and click Send SMS Code.
  4. On enrolling a device for the first time, you must sign out and sign in again to authenticate your verification request.
  5. After signing in again, invoke the Multi-Factor Authentication modal again from the General tab and input your device name and phone number.
  1. Click Send SMS Code and solve a CAPTCHA challenge.
  2. In the next field that appears, enter the SMS code received on your phone, and click Verify SMS Code.
    The new phone is added and listed as an enrolled device in the Manage existing devices tab.

To remove a device, click Remove and use the same steps outlined from 4-7 above.

Encord Labs

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SAM 2 IS AVAILABLE NOW (BETA)!!! Simply go to Encord Labs and turn SAM 2 on. For more information about SAM 2 and Encord, check out our Blog.

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