Index supports creating a new Dataset based off of a Collection. Those Datasets can then be used with Annotate and Active Projects.

Create a Dataset

Creating a Dataset from an Index Collection gives you flexibility handling your annotation Projects. You can create subsets of your entire Project’s data to then attach to your existing Annotate Projects or create a new Annotate Project with the new Dataset attached to the Project.

All Datasets created from Collections are created under the user account that sends the Collection to Annotate. This means that that user must provide access to the Datasets to other users.

To create a Dataset from an Index Collection:

  1. Log in to the Encord platform. The landing page for the Encord platform appears.

  2. Go to Index > Files. The All folders page appears with a list of all folders in Encord.

  1. Click in to a Folder. The landing page for the Folder appears and the Explorer button is enabled.
  1. Click the Explorer button. The Index Explorer page appears.
  1. Click Collections. The Collections page appears.
  1. Select the checkbox for the Collection to create a Dataset.

  2. Click Add to Dataset. The Add to Dataset dialog appears.

  1. Specify meaningful content for the following:

    • Dataset Title

    • Dataset Description

  2. Click Submit. The Subset created successfully dialog appears once creation completes.

Add Collections to an existing Dataset

You must provide the Dataset’s ID to add a Collection to an existing Dataset. You can find the Dataset ID under the Dataset’s title.

To add an Index Collection to an existing Dataset:

  1. Log in to the Encord platform. The landing page for the Encord platform appears.

  2. Go to Index > Files. The All folders page appears with a list of all folders in Encord.

  1. Click in to a Folder. The landing page for the Folder appears and the Explorer button is enabled.
  1. Click the Explorer button. The Index Explorer page appears.
  1. Click Collections. The Collections page appears.
  1. Select the checkbox for the Collection to create a Dataset.

  2. Click Add to Dataset. The Add to Dataset dialog appears.

  1. Click Existing Dataset.

  2. Provide the Dataset’s ID in the Dataset UUID field.

  3. Click Submit.