You can create custom analytics dashboards from the Analytics View using Distribution and Correlation charts.

Distribution charts

Distribution charts display distributions and summaries of the selected metrics and custom metadata.

Here are some examples:

  • Data unit: Height, Width, Frame number
  • Label: Label duplicates, Broken track, Inconsistent track, Inconsistent class
  • Categorical: Workflow stages, Custom Metadata (enum with their enum options, numeric, date time, and boolean), Classes, Annotator, Attribute
varchar (previously string), text (previously long_string), and uuid are NOT SUPPORTED for use in Distribution charts.

Add Distribution chart

Correlation charts

Correlation charts display a scatter plot of two attributes to show correlation within your current filtered view. Correlation charts require numeric data.

While Distribution charts support a number of custom metadata types, Correlation charts ONLY SUPPORT numeric custom metadata.

Add Correlation chart

Create Custom Analytics Dashboard for Active

Before creating a custom analytics dashboard, we recommend having custom metadata available in your data. Custom metadata can make the insights you get from the dashboard much more useful.
  1. Go to Active.

  2. Click into a Project.

    The Active Explorer appears.

  3. Click Videos, Frames, Labels, or Predictions.

The criteria available for the charts changes with each tab.
  1. Click Analytics view.

  2. Specify the display criteria for the Distribtion and Correlation cards that display by default.

  3. Click Add chart to add additional Distribtion and Correlation cards.

  4. Specify the display criteria for the added Distribtion and Correlation.