Re-encoding Videos
Encord performs automatic checks on all uploaded videos uploaded to Files to see if the video needs to be re-encoded. Re-encoding means bringing the video in line with Encord’s requirements to avoid frame synchronization issues and ensure accurate labels.
If a video needs re-encoding, a red number appears on the file icon showing the number of issues found. Each issue is listed next to the yellow caution icon in the details pane when the file is selected, or when hovering on the number.
Types of Re-encoding
Encord provides the following methods for re-encoding:
Automatically fix detected issue: Encord performs a spot fix for any encoding issues. This is quicker than a full re-encoding, but for some issues, a full re-encoding is required.
Force full re-encoding: Encord performs a full re-encoding of the video. This method ensures all issues are resolved, but it can take significantly more time to perform.
Automatically fix detected issue
Auto re-encoding serves common frame synchronization issues and ensures there is no quality loss during re-encoding. If for example the only issue is that audio is present in the video, auto re-encoding only removes the audio while keeping the video as-is.
To automatically re-encode your video, simply select the file in question and click the Re-encode (auto) button to prevent any frame synchronization issues from arising. A notification telling you your video is re-encoded should appear at the top of your screen.
Force full re-encoding
Forcing a full re-encoding of the video converts it to a specific frame rate and video codec, regardless of the issues detected. A full re-encoding takes longer and can lead to issues with existing labels.
Re-encode videos
Re-encoding can be done from videos in Folders, Datasets, and within Annotate. However, we strongly recommend re-encoding your videos at the Folder level. This is because you can use videos re-encoded at the Folder level in any Dataset/Project. But videos re-encoded at the Dataset or Project level can only be used with associated Datasets or Projects.
Re-encode from Folders
Go to Index > Files. A list of all Folders available appears on the Files page.
Go into the Folder where the video you want to re-encode resides.
Perform one of the following:
- Right-click the video and select Re-encode and select the type of re-encoding to perform.
- Select one or more videos and click Actions > Re-encode and select the type of re-encoding to perform.
- Check the progress of the re-encoding job by clicking the bell icon in the top-right of the app. The number displayed in red signifies how many new notifications you have.
When the process is complete a new video file with the word “normalized” appended to the name appears in the folder. For example, if you re-encoded snowboard.mp4
, the new video is snowboard_normalized.mp4
Re-encode from Datasets
Go to Index > Datasets. A list of all Datasets available appears on the Datasets page.
Go into the Dataset where the video you want to re-encode resides.
Select one or more videos and
Click Re-encode and select the type of re-encoding to perform.
- Check the progress of the re-encoding job by clicking the bell icon in the top-right of the app. The number displayed in red signifies how many new notifications you have.
When the process is complete a new video file with the word “normalized” appended to the name appears in the folder. For example, if you re-encoded snowboard.mp4
, the new video is snowboard_normalized.mp4
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