To upload predictions in Encord Active, you need to create a prediction branch. This guide explains everything you need to know for importing predictions.
Predictions Workflow
- Import Predictions to Annotate Project: Everything starts in Annotate. Your labels and predictions must exist in your Annotate Project for the labels and predictions to appear in Active.
- Import/Sync Project in Active: After importing your predictions, you can then import the Project into Active. Or you can sync an existing Active Project after importing your predictions.
- Analyse the Predictions in Active: Once the Project import/sync completes, specify the prediction set for Active to analyse.
- Select the Predictions in Active: Once analysis completes, select the prediction set you want to view in Active.
Encord Format (Recommended)
- Supports multi-level nested classifications (radio, checklist, or free-form text) under objects or classifications.
- Handles all object types and classification.
Only top-level objects and classifications are considered when calculating in model metrics.
Metrics are not yet available for keypoints and polylines. If you are interested in these, please contact the Encord team.
COCO Format
Does not supports multiple levels of nested classifications (radio, checklist, or free-form text) under tools or classifications.
Confidence Score
You can include confidence scores when uploading predictions. Encord automatically calculates model metrics based on your prediction set and assigned confidence scores.
Prediction Branches
When importing prediction sets into Encord Active, they are added as branches to individual label rows on your data units (images, videos, audio). Each data unit has the following:
- A MAIN branch for ground truth annotations or pre-labels.
- Optional Consensus branches and Prediction branches for different prediction sets.
STEP 1: Import Predictions
Import your predictions to a Project in Annotate. Encord currently supports importing predictions from the Encord format and from COCO.
Do you already know what you are doing and only want to look over a Jupyter Notebook example to import your predictions? We provide one
Use branch_name
to create a prediction branch in label_rows_v2
for a data unit.
supports alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and is case sensitive
supports the following special characters: hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.)
This simple example imports a bounding box model prediction to all data units in the prediction branch.
Store Predictions Boilerplate
import os
from encord import EncordUserClient, Project
from encord.objects import LabelRowV2, Object, OntologyStructure, ObjectInstance
from encord.objects.coordinates import BoundingBoxCoordinates, RotatableBoundingBoxCoordinates, PolygonCoordinates, PolylineCoordinates, PointCoordinate, BitmaskCoordinates
SSH_PATH = "file-path-to-your-ssh-key"
PROJECT_HASH = "unique-id-for-project"
PREDICTION_BRANCH_NAME = "name-of-your-prediction-branch"
assert SSH_PATH is not None, "SSH path cannot be None"
assert PROJECT_HASH is not None, "Project hash cannot be None"
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(
project = user_client.get_project(PROJECT_HASH)
prediction_branch_rows = project.list_label_rows_v2(branch_name=PREDICTION_BRANCH_NAME)
if len(prediction_branch_rows) > 0:
print("Branch is:", prediction_branch_rows[0].branch_name)
ontology_object = project.ontology_structure.objects[0]
bundle = project.create_bundle()
for row in prediction_branch_rows:
for row in prediction_branch_rows:
inst = ontology_object.create_instance()
Import COCO Labels as Predictions
The following code imports COCO labels as predictions for Active.
For more information on importing COCO labels into Encord, refer to our documentation.
Replace the following:
with the file path to your SSH private key.
with the name of your prediction branch.
with the Project ID for your Project.
with the full path of the COCO file containing the predictions you want to import.
COCO Label import as Predictions
import json
from pathlib import Path
from encord.utilities.coco.datastructure import FrameIndex
from encord import EncordUserClient
from encord.exceptions import OntologyError
SSH_PATH = "file-path-to-your-ssh-key"
PROJECT_HASH = "unique-id-for-project"
PREDICTION_BRANCH_NAME = "name-of-your-prediction-branch"
user_client: EncordUserClient = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(
project = user_client.get_project(PROJECT_HASH)
coco_file = Path("COCOimportfile.json")
labels_dict = json.loads(coco_file.read_text())
category_id_to_feature_hash = {}
ont_struct = project.ontology_structure
for coco_category in labels_dict["categories"]:
ont_obj = ont_struct.get_child_by_title(coco_category["name"])
category_id_to_feature_hash[coco_category["id"]] = ont_obj.feature_node_hash
except OntologyError:
print(f"Could not match {coco_category['name']} in the Ontology. Import will crash if these are present.")
image_id_to_frame_index = {}
data_title_to_label_row = {lr.data_title: lr for lr in project.list_label_rows_v2()}
for img in labels_dict["images"]:
lr = data_title_to_label_row[img["file_name"]]
image_id_to_frame_index[img["id"]] = FrameIndex(lr.data_hash, frame=0)
Verify Prediction Import
After importing your predictions, verify that your predictions imported.
The following code returns all labels and predictions on all branches.
from encord import EncordUserClient
import json
SSH_PATH = "file-path-of-your-ssh-key"
PROJECT_HASH = "unique-id-for-your-project"
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(
project = user_client.get_project(PROJECT_HASH)
label_rows = project.list_label_rows_v2(include_all_label_branches=True)
for label_row in label_rows:
print(f"Title: {label_row.data_title}, branch: {label_row.branch_name}")
for object_instance in label_row.get_object_instances():
print (f"objectHash: {object_instance.object_hash}")
print (f"Object name: {object_instance.object_name}")
print (f"featureHash: {object_instance.feature_hash}")
print (f"uid: {object_instance.ontology_item.uid}")
print (f"Object color: {object_instance.ontology_item.color}")
print (f"Ontology shape: {object_instance.ontology_item.shape}")
for annotation in object_instance.get_annotations():
print(f"Frame {annotation.frame} -> {annotation.coordinates}")
for attribute in object_instance.ontology_item.attributes:
print (attribute, object_instance)
for classification_instance in label_row.get_classification_instances():
print (f"classificationHash: {classification_instance.classification_hash}")
print (f"Classification name: {classification_instance.classification_name}")
print (f"featureHash: {classification_instance.feature_hash}")
print (f"Classification answer: {classification_instance.get_answer().value}")
print (f"Classification answer hash: {classification_instance.get_answer().feature_node_hash}")
for annotation in classification_instance.get_annotations():
print(f"Classification appears on frame: {annotation.frame}")
End-to-End Prediction Import Example
We provide an end-to-end example using a Jupyter Notebook here.
STEP 2: Import/Sync Project to Active
Import or sync the Annotate Project in Active.
STEP 3: Analyse the Predictions
Active MUST analyse the predictions before you can view the predictions in Active.
STEP 4: Select the Predictions
Once analysis completes, select the prediction set to view in Active.
Next Steps
Model and Prediction Validation