After creating a Collection, you can open annotation tasks of images/frames in the Collection, when the Collection is sent to Annotate. That means regardless of the image’s/frame’s current status in the Workflow (Annotate, Review, Complete) the task is opened/reopened in Annotate.

Important Information

  • There is no insight on the image’s/frame’s current status in the Workflow (Annotate, Review, Complete) in Annotate.

  • Reopening a closed task maintains the priority specified in the Collection.

This action cannot be undone. This is a bulk operation on all images/frames in the Collection, and once the action is submitted to Annotate, all images/frames in the Collection are opened/reopened in their Annotate Project. That means regardless of the image’s/frame’s current status in the Workflow (Annotate, Review, Complete) the task is opened/reopened in Annotate.

Open tasks from Active to Annotate

In addition to opening tasks, all priorities, comments on individual frames/images, and the comment added for the Collection, are sent to the Annotate Project.