ReviewTask Objects

class ReviewTask(WorkflowTask)


Tasks in non-Consensus Review stages.


  • status (ReviewTaskStatus): Status of the review task.
  • data_hash (UUID): Unique identifier for the data unit.
  • data_title (str): Name of the data unit.
  • assignee (Optional[str]): User assigned to the task.

Allowed actions

  • approve: Approves a task.
  • reject: Rejects a task.
  • assign: Assigns a task to a user.
  • release: Releases a task from the current user.


def approve(*,
            assignee: Optional[str] = None,
            retain_assignee: bool = False,
            bundle: Optional[Bundle] = None) -> None

Approves the task.


  • assignee (Optional[str]): User email to be assigned to the task whilst approving the task.
  • retain_assignee (bool): Retains the current assignee whilst approving the task. This is ignored if assignee is provided. An error will occur if the task does not already have an assignee and retain_assignee is True.
  • bundle (Optional[Bundle]): Optional bundle parameter.


def reject(*,
           assignee: Optional[str] = None,
           retain_assignee: bool = False,
           bundle: Optional[Bundle] = None) -> None

Rejects the task.


  • assignee (Optional[str]): User email to be assigned to the task whilst rejecting the task.
  • retain_assignee (bool): Retains the current assignee whilst rejecting the task. This is ignored if assignee is provided. An error will occur if the task does not already have an assignee and retain_assignee is True.
  • bundle (Optional[Bundle]): Optional bundle parameter.


def assign(assignee: str, *, bundle: Optional[Bundle] = None) -> None

Assigns the task to a user.


  • assignee (str): The user to assign the task to.
  • bundle (Optional[Bundle]): Optional bundle parameter.


def release(*, bundle: Optional[Bundle] = None) -> None

Releases the task from the current user.


  • bundle (Optional[Bundle]): Optional bundle parameter.


def get_label_reviews(
    status: Union[ReviewTaskStatus, List[ReviewTaskStatus], None] = None
) -> Iterable[LabelReview]

Retrieves label reviews for the Review task.


  • status (Union[ReviewTaskStatus, List[ReviewTaskStatus], None]): Status of the task.


An iterable of ReviewTask instances with the following information:

  • uuid: Unique identifier for label review.
  • status: Current status of the label review.
  • label_type: Type of the label. Can be either Object or Classification.
  • label_id: Unique identifier of the label.