Moving files

Use the following script to move various types of files to a different folder in Files. Ensure that you:

  • Replace <private_key_path> with the path to your private key.
  • Replace <data_unit_name> with the name of the file you want to move to a new folder.
  • Replace <target_folder_name> with the name of the folder you want to move the file from.
  • Replace <target_folder_name> with the name of the folder you want to move the file to.
from encord import EncordUserClient
from import StorageItemType, FoldersSortBy

# Instantiate Encord client by substituting the path to your private key
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(

# Define the search criteria for the data unit and folders folder
START_FOLDER = "<start_folder_name>"
TARGET_FOLDER = "<target_folder_name>"  
DATA_UNIT_NAME = "<data_unit_name>"

# Retrieve the start folder by its name (assuming only one match)
START_FOLDER = next(user_client.find_storage_folders(search=start_folder_name, dataset_synced=None, order=FoldersSortBy.NAME, desc=False, page_size=1000))

# Retrieve the target folder by its name (assuming only one match)
TARGET_FOLDER = next(user_client.find_storage_folders(search=target_folder_name, dataset_synced=None, order=FoldersSortBy.NAME, desc=False, page_size=1000))

# Search for the specific data unit using its name, assuming it only returns one result
item = START_FOLDER.list_items(
    page_size=1000  # Expecting only one data unit

# Move the found data unit to the retrieved target folder
print(f"Moving item {item.uuid} to folder {TARGET_FOLDER.uuid}")

Moving folders

You can move folders between different parent folders in Files, including moving them to the root (no parent). The following script demonstrates how a folder with the name Folder Name 3 is moved between 2 different target folders. The script must be modified to suit your needs.

Ensure that you:

  • Replace <private_key_path> with the path to your private key.
  • Replace Folder Name 1 with the name of a target folder.
  • Replace Folder Name 2 with the new name of another target folder.
  • Replace Folder Name 3 with the name of the folder that is moved.
from encord import EncordUserClient
from import FoldersSortBy

# Instantiate Encord client by substituting the path to your private key
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(

# Search for folders by name using the find_storage_folders function
folder_1 = next(user_client.find_storage_folders(search="Folder Name 1", dataset_synced=False, order=FoldersSortBy.NAME, desc=False, page_size=1000))
folder_2 = next(user_client.find_storage_folders(search="Folder Name 2", dataset_synced=False, order=FoldersSortBy.NAME, desc=False, page_size=1000))
folder_3 = next(user_client.find_storage_folders(search="Folder Name 3", dataset_synced=False, order=FoldersSortBy.NAME, desc=False, page_size=1000))

# Move folder_3 under folder_1

# Move folder_3 under folder_2

# Move folder_3 to root folder (passing None moves it to the root level)