To copy labels from one Project to another, both Projects must contain the same data unit. The data unit must have the same title in both Projects. If the Projects use different Datasets, make sure the data unit names match exactly.
  1. Copy and save
  2. Use your command line to navigate the directory where your script is saved.
  3. Run the following command, making sure to:
    • Replace <private_key_path> with the path to your private key.
    • Replace <source_project_hash> with the Project hash of your source Project.
    • Replace <target_project_hash> with the Project hash of your target Project.
    • Use the --skip-add-overwrite option to define how existing labels are handled:
      • skip: Ignores tasks with existing labels.
      • add: Adds all labels from the source Project to the target Project for all tasks.
      • overwrite: Replaces labels in the target Project if they exist in the same data unit.
    • Set --copy-method to specify the basis for copying, either DataHash or DataTitle.
    • Use the boolean flag --send-to-complete to copy labels from the source Project directly to the “complete” stage in the target Project, if labels exist. --keyfile <private_key_path>
--source-project-hash <source_project_hash>
--target-project-hash <target_project_hash>
--copy-method DataTitle