CloudUploadSettings Objects

class CloudUploadSettings()

The settings for uploading data into the GCP cloud storage. These apply for each individual upload. These settings will overwrite the :meth:encord.http.constants.RequestsSettings which is set during :class:encord.EncordUserClient creation.


Number of allowed retries when uploading


With each retry, there will be a sleep of backoff_factor * (2 ** (retry_number - 1) )


If failures are allowed, the upload will continue even if some items were not successfully uploaded even after retries. For example, upon creation of a large image group, you might want to create the image group even if a few images were not successfully uploaded. The unsuccessfully uploaded images will then be logged.


def upload_to_signed_url_list(
    file_paths: Iterable[Union[str,
                               Path]], config: BaseConfig, querier: Querier,
    orm_class: Union[Type[Images], Type[Video], Type[DicomSeries],
                     Type[Audio]], cloud_upload_settings: CloudUploadSettings
) -> List[Union[SignedVideoURL, SignedImageURL, SignedDicomURL,

Upload files and return the upload returns in the same order as the file paths supplied.