
Colelctions are groups of data units you selected by filtering, sorting, inspecting, and analysing the data data units in Index.

List Collections

List all Collections in Index by name with their unique identifier.

Create Collection

Create a Collection with a meaningful name and description in a Folder.

Add data units to a Collection using UUIDs

Add data units to a Collection using the UUID of the data units.

Remove data units from a Collection using UUIDs

Remove data units from a Collection using UUIDs.

List all Data Units in a Collection

Lists all data units in a Collection

Preset filters

Preset Filters can only be created in the Index UI.

List Preset Filters

List all Preset Filters in Index by name with their unique identifier.

Add Preset Filter Contents to Collection

Adds all items that match the criteria specified by a preset filter to a Collection.

Remove Preset Filter Contents from Collection

Removes all items that match the criteria specified by a preset filter from a Collection.