DICOM metadata is distinct from clientMetadata, which is the metadata associated with individual data units. See our tutorial on clientMetadata for more information.

DICOM related metadata is accessed by specifying the dataset using the <project_hash>. It contains the patient ID, series ID, and study ID that link the unlabeled DICOM data to the labeled data that is exported from Encord.

Reading series metadata

The following code reads and prints the patient ID (patient_id), series ID (series_uid) and study ID (study_uid) of all label rows in the specified Project.

Reading frame metadata

The following code reads and prints frame specific DICOM metadata including the DICOM instance ID (dicom_instance_uid), the multiframe frame number (multiframe_frame_number), the file URI (file_uri) and the height as well as width of the frame, as can be seen in the sample output provided.

Reading frame dimensions

Use the script below to obtain the dimensions for a given slice or frame.

Width and height fields other than those printed by this script may be present in the metadata. These refer to the DICOM series’ dimensions (the maximum width and height of the series) and will not be applicable to all slices or frames.