Utilities - Other


The settings for uploading data into the GCP cloud storage. These apply for each individual upload. These settings overwrite the encord.http.constants.RequestsSettings() which is set during encord.EncordUserClient creation.

class encord.http.utils.CloudUploadSettings(max_retries=None, backoff_factor=None, allow_failures=False)

max_retries: Optional[int] = None

Number of allowed retries when uploading

backoff_factor: Optional[float] = None

With each retry, there is a sleep of backoff_factor * (2 ** (retry_number - 1) )

allow_failures: bool = False

If failures are allowed, the upload continues even if some items were not successfully uploaded even after retries. For example, upon creation of a large image group, you might want to create the image group even if a few images were not successfully uploaded. The unsuccessfully uploaded images are then logged.

class CloudUploadSettings:
    The settings for uploading data into the GCP cloud storage. These apply for each individual upload. These settings
    will overwrite the encord.http.constants.RequestsSettings which is set during
    `encord.EncordUserClient` creation.

    max_retries: Optional[int] = None
    """Number of allowed retries when uploading"""
    backoff_factor: Optional[float] = None
    """With each retry, there will be a sleep of backoff_factor * (2 ** (retry_number - 1) )"""
    allow_failures: bool = False
    If failures are allowed, the upload will continue even if some items were not successfully uploaded even
    after retries. For example, upon creation of a large image group, you might want to create the image group
    even if a few images were not successfully uploaded. The unsuccessfully uploaded images will then be logged.


The settings for all outgoing network requests. These apply for each individual request.

class encord.http.constants.RequestsSettings(max_retries=3, backoff_factor=1.5, connection_retries=3, connect_timeout=180, read_timeout=180, write_timeout=180)

max_retries: int = 3

Number of allowed retries when a request is sent. It only affects idempotent retryable requests.

backoff_factor: float = 1.5

With each retry, there is a sleep of backoff_factor * (2 ** (retry_number - 1) )

connection_retries: int = 3

Number of allowed retries to establish TCP connection when a request is sent.

connect_timeout: int = 180

Maximum number of seconds from connection establishment to the first byte of response received.

read_timeout: int = 180

Maximum number of seconds to obtain full response.

write_timeout: int = 180

Maximum number of seconds to send request payload.

from dataclasses import dataclass


DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 180  # In seconds
DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 180  # In seconds

class RequestsSettings:
    The settings for all outgoing network requests. These apply for each individual request.

    max_retries: int = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES
    """Number of allowed retries when a request is sent. It only affects idempotent retryable requests."""

    backoff_factor: float = DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR
    """With each retry, there will be a sleep of backoff_factor * (2 ** (retry_number - 1) )"""

    connection_retries: int = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRIES
    """Number of allowed retries to establish TCP connection when a request is sent."""

    connect_timeout: int = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
    """Maximum number of seconds from connection establishment to the first byte of response received"""

    read_timeout: int = DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT
    """Maximum number of seconds to obtain full response"""

    write_timeout: int = DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT
    """Maximum number of seconds to send request payload"""



A convenience function that works well with encord.project.Project.list_models().


Return type


from typing import List, Set

from encord.orm.model import ModelConfiguration

[docs]def get_all_model_iteration_uids(model_configurations: List[ModelConfiguration]) -> Set[str]:
    """A convenience function that works well with :meth:`encord.project.Project.list_models`"""
    model_iteration_uids = set()
    for model_configuration in model_configurations:
    return model_iteration_uids


An enumeration.

class encord.constants.enums.DataType(value)
  • VIDEO = 'video'
  • IMG_GROUP = 'img_group'
  • DICOM = 'dicom'
  • IMAGE = 'image'
  • DICOM_STUDY = 'dicom_study'
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

from encord.common.enum import StringEnum

[docs]class DataType(StringEnum):
    VIDEO = "video"
    IMG_GROUP = "img_group"
    DICOM = "dicom"
    IMAGE = "image"
    DICOM_STUDY = "dicom_study"

    # will be displayed if the Encord platform has a new data type that is not present in this SDK version. Please upgrade your SDK version

    def _missing_(cls, value: Any) -> DataType:
        return cls.MISSING_DATA_TYPE

[docs]    @staticmethod
    def from_upper_case_string(string: str) -> DataType:
        for data_type in DataType:
            if string == data_type.to_upper_case_string():
                return data_type

        return DataType.MISSING_DATA_TYPE

[docs]    def to_upper_case_string(self) -> str:
        return self.value.upper()


static from_upper_case_string(string)

Return type:


    def from_upper_case_string(string: str) -> DataType:
        for data_type in DataType:
            if string == data_type.to_upper_case_string():
                return data_type

        return DataType.MISSING_DATA_TYPE



Return type:


    def to_upper_case_string(self) -> str:
        return self.value.upper()