

Access project related data and manipulate the project.

class encord.project.Project(client, project_instance, ontology, client_v2)

property project_hash: str

Gets the Project hash (the Project ID).

Return Type:


property title: str

Gets the title of the Project.

Return Type:


property description: str

Gets the description of the Project.

Return Type:


property project_type: ProjectType

Gets the type of Project.

Returns ProjectType.WORKFLOW for Workflow Projects, and ProjectType.MANUAL_QA for Manual QA Projects.

Return Type:


property created_at: datetime.datetime

Gets the date and time when the Project was created.

Return Type:


property last_edited_at: datetime.datetime

Gets the date and time when the Project was last edited.

Return Type:


DEPRECATED - property ontology: dict

DEPRECATED: Use the encord.Project.ontology_structure() method instead.

Return Type:


property ontology_hash: str

Gets the Ontology hash of the Ontology attached to the Project.

Return Type:


property ontology_structure: encord.objects.ontology_structure.OntologyStructure

Gets the Ontology structure of the Project’s Ontology.

Return Type:


DEPRECATED - property datasets: list

DEPRECATED - Gets the datasets linked to the Project.

Use the [encord.objects.project.ProjectDataset()] class to work with the data instead.

Return Type:


from encord.objects.project import ProjectDataset

project = user_client.get_project("<project_hash>")

project_datasets = ProjectDataset.from_list(project.datasets)

**DEPRECATED - property label_rows: dict

DEPRECATED - Gets the label rows.

Use the list_label_rows_v2() method and LabelRowV2() class to work with the data instead.

Return Type:


from encord.orm.label_row import LabelRowMetadata

project = user_client.get_project("<project_hash>")

label_rows = LabelRowMetadata.from_list(project.label_rows)


The Project class only fetches its properties once. Use this function when you suspect the state of those properties is "dirty".


Return type:


    def refetch_data(self) -> None:
        The Project class will only fetch its properties once. Use this function if you suspect the state of those
        properties to be dirty.
        self._project_instance = self._client.get_project()


Update the ontology for the project to reflect changes on the backend.


Return type:


    def refetch_ontology(self) -> None:
        Update the ontology for the project to reflect changes on the backend


This function is exposed for convenience. We recommend using the property accessors instead.


Return type:


    def get_project(self) -> OrmProject:
        This function is exposed for convenience. You are encouraged to use the property accessors instead.
        return self._client.get_project()


Gets a list of LabelRowV2 instances for all specified label rows.

list_label_rows_v2(data_hashes=None, label_hashes=None, edited_before=None, edited_after=None, label_statuses=None, shadow_data_state=None, data_title_eq=None, data_title_like=None, workflow_graph_node_title_eq=None, workflow_graph_node_title_like=None, include_all_branches=False)


  • data_hashes (Optional[List[str]]) – List of data hashes to filter by.

  • label_hashes (Optional[List[str]]) – List of label hashes to filter by.

  • edited_before (Union[str, datetime, None]) – Optionally filter to only rows last edited before the specified time

  • edited_after (Union[str, datetime, None]) – Optionally filter to only rows last edited after the specified time

  • label_statuses (Optional[List[AnnotationTaskStatus]]) – Optionally filter to only those label rows that have one of the specified AnnotationTaskStatuses

  • shadow_data_state (Optional[ShadowDataState]) – On Optionally filter by data type in Benchmark QA projects. See ShadowDataState

  • data_title_eq (Optional[str]) – Optionally filter by exact title match

  • data_title_like (Optional[str]) – Optionally filter by fuzzy title match; SQL syntax

  • workflow_graph_node_title_eq (Optional[str]) – Optionally filter by exact match with workflow node title

  • workflow_graph_node_title_like (Optional[str]) – Optionally filter by fuzzy match with workflow node title; SQL syntax

  • include_all_branches - Only applicable to Consensus Projects. Setting include_all_branches=True downloads labels made by all annotators in a Consensus Project. Default value is False.

Return type:



A list of LabelRowV2 instances for all the matching label rows.

    def list_label_rows_v2(
        data_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        edited_before: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        edited_after: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        label_statuses: Optional[List[AnnotationTaskStatus]] = None,
        shadow_data_state: Optional[ShadowDataState] = None,
        data_title_eq: Optional[str] = None,
        data_title_like: Optional[str] = None,
        workflow_graph_node_title_eq: Optional[str] = None,
        workflow_graph_node_title_like: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> List[LabelRowV2]:
            data_hashes: List of data hashes to filter by.
            label_hashes: List of label hashes to filter by.
            edited_before: Optionally filter to only rows last edited before the specified time
            edited_after: Optionally filter to only rows last edited after the specified time
            label_statuses: Optionally filter to only those label rows that have one of the specified :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.AnnotationTaskStatus`es
            shadow_data_state: On Optionally filter by data type in Benchmark QA projects. See :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.ShadowDataState`
            data_title_eq: Optionally filter by exact title match
            data_title_like: Optionally filter by fuzzy title match; SQL syntax
            workflow_graph_node_title_eq: Optionally filter by exact match with workflow node title
            workflow_graph_node_title_like: Optionally filter by fuzzy match with workflow node title; SQL syntax

            A list of :class:`~encord.objects.LabelRowV2` instances for all the matching label rows
        label_row_metadatas = self._client.list_label_rows(

        label_rows = [
            LabelRowV2(label_row_metadata, self._client, self._ontology) for label_row_metadata in label_row_metadatas
        return label_rows


Adds users to a Project.

add_users(user_emails, user_role)


  • user_emails (List[str]) – List of user emails to be added

  • user_role (ProjectUserRole) – The user role to assign to all users (ADMIN = 0, ANNOTATOR = 1, REVIEWER = 2, ANNOTATOR_REVIEWER = 3, TEAM_MANAGER = 4)

Return type:





  • [AuthorisationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no project exists when looking for the specified project EntityId.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while adding the users to the Project.


Duplicates the current Project into a new Project with the same contents of the current Project including settings, Datasets and users. Labels and models are optional.

copy_project(copy_datasets=False, copy_collaborators=False, copy_models=False, *, copy_labels=None, new_title=None, new_description=None)


  • copy_datasets (Union[bool, CopyDatasetOptions]) – If "True", the datasets of the existing Project are copied over, and new tasks are created from those Datasets.

  • copy_collaborators – If "True, all users of the existing Project are copied over with their current roles. If a label and/or annotator reviewer mapping is set, this is also copied.

  • copy_models – If True, all models with their training information are copied into the new Project.

  • copy_labels (Optional[CopyLabelsOptions]) – Options for copying labels, are defined in [CopyLabelsOptions].

  • new_title (Optional[str]) – When provided, it is used as the title for the new Project.

  • new_description (Optional[str]) – When provided, it is used as the title for the new Project.

Return type:



The EntityId (hash) of the new Project.


  • [AuthorisationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no project exists when looking for the specified project EntityId.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while copying the Project.


Submits a label row for review.



This method is not supported for workflow-based projects. Refer to the Workflows documentation for more details.



uid (str) – A label_hash (uid) string.

Return type:





  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while submitting for review.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.

    def submit_label_row_for_review(self, uid: str):
        Submit a label row for review.

        **Note:** this method is not supported for the workflow-based projects. See the documentation about the workflows

            uid: A label_hash (uid) string.


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while submitting for review.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
        return self._client.submit_label_row_for_review(uid)


Adds one or more datasets to a Project.



dataset_hashes (List[str]) – List of dataset hashes of the Datasets to be added

Return type:





  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If one or more datasets (specified by dataset_hashes) do not exist.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while adding the datasets to the project.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.

    def add_datasets(self, dataset_hashes: List[str]) -> bool:
        Add a dataset to a project

            dataset_hashes: List of dataset hashes of the datasets to be added


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If one or more datasets don't exist by the specified dataset_hashes.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while adding the datasets to the project.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
        res = self._client.add_datasets(dataset_hashes)
        return res


Removes one or more datasets from the Project.



dataset_hashes (List[str]) – List of dataset hashes of the Datasets to be removed

Return type:





  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If one or more datasets (specified by dataset_hashes) do not exist.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while removing the datasets from the project.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the operation is not allowed by the API key.

    def remove_datasets(self, dataset_hashes: List[str]) -> bool:
        Remove datasets from project

            dataset_hashes: List of dataset hashes of the datasets to be removed


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no dataset exists by the specified dataset_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while removing the datasets from the project.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the operation is not allowed by the API key.
        res = self._client.remove_datasets(dataset_hashes)
        return res


Lists all models that are associated with the Project.




Use [encord.project.Project.get_training_metadata()] to get more metadata about each training instance.

from encord.utilities.project_utilities import get_all_model_iteration_uids

project = client_instance.get_project(<project_hash>)

model_configurations = project.list_models()
all_model_iteration_uids = get_all_model_iteration_uids(model_configurations)
training_metadata = project.get_training_metadata(

Return type:


    def list_models(self) -> List[ModelConfiguration]:
        List all models that are associated with the project. Use the
        :meth:`encord.project.Project.get_training_metadata` to get more metadata about each training instance.

        .. code::

            from encord.utilities.project_utilities import get_all_model_iteration_uids

            project = client_instance.get_project(<project_hash>)

            model_configurations = project.list_models()
            all_model_iteration_uids = get_all_model_iteration_uids(model_configurations)
            training_metadata = project.get_training_metadata(
        return self._client.list_models()


Given a list of model_iteration_uids, get some metadata around each model_iteration.

get_training_metadata(model_iteration_uids, get_created_at=False, get_training_final_loss=False, get_model_training_labels=False)


  • model_iteration_uids (Iterable[str]) – The model iteration uids

  • get_created_at (bool) – Whether the created_at field should be retrieved.

  • get_training_final_loss (bool) – Whether the training_final_loss field should be retrieved.

  • get_model_training_labels (bool) – Whether the model_training_labels field should be retrieved.

Return type:


    def get_training_metadata(
        model_iteration_uids: Iterable[str],
        get_created_at: bool = False,
        get_training_final_loss: bool = False,
        get_model_training_labels: bool = False,
    ) -> List[TrainingMetadata]:
        Given a list of model_iteration_uids, get some metadata around each model_iteration.

            model_iteration_uids: The model iteration uids
            get_created_at: Whether the `created_at` field should be retrieved.
            get_training_final_loss: Whether the `training_final_loss` field should be retrieved.
            get_model_training_labels: Whether the `model_training_labels` field should be retrieved.
        return self._client.get_training_metadata(
            model_iteration_uids, get_created_at, get_training_final_loss, get_model_training_labels


Create a model row.

create_model_row(title, description, features, model)


  • title (str) – Model title.

  • description (str) – Model description.

  • features (List[str]) – List of <feature_node_hashes> which is id’s of ontology objects or classifications to be included in the model.

  • model (Union[AutomationModels, str]) – the model type to be used. For backwards compatibility purposes, we continuously allow strings corresponding to the values of the AutomationModels Enum.

Return type:



The uid of the added model row.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ModelFeaturesInconsistentError] – If a feature type is different from what is supported by the model (for example, if creating a classification model using a bounding box).

    def create_model_row(
        title: str,
        description: str,
        features: List[str],
        model: Union[AutomationModels, str],
    ) -> str:
        Create a model row.

            title: Model title.
            description: Model description.
            features: List of <feature_node_hashes> which is id's of ontology objects
                      or classifications to be included in the model.
            model: the model type to be used.
                   For backwards compatibility purposes, we continuously allow strings
                   corresponding to the values of the :class:`.AutomationModels` Enum.

            The uid of the added model row.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ModelFeaturesInconsistentError: If a feature type is different than what is supported by the model (e.g. if
                creating a classification model using a bounding box).
        return self._client.create_model_row(title, description, features, model)


Deletes a model created on the platform.



uid (str) – A model_hash (uid) string.

Return type:





  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no model exists by the specified model_hash (uid).

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs during training.


Run inference with model trained on the platform.

The image(s)/video(s) can be provided either as local file paths, base64 strings, or as data hashes if the data is already uploaded on the Encord platform.

model_inference(uid, file_paths=None, base64_strings=None, conf_thresh=0.6, iou_thresh=0.3, device=Device.CUDA, detection_frame_range=None, allocation_enabled=False, data_hashes=None, rdp_thresh=0.005)


  • uid (str) – A model_iteration_hash (uid) string.

  • file_paths (Optional[List[str]]) – List of local file paths to image(s) or video(s) - if running inference on files.

  • base64_strings (Optional[List[bytes]]) – List of base 64 strings of image(s) or video(s) - if running inference on base64 strings.

  • conf_thresh (float) – Confidence threshold (default 0.6).

  • iou_thresh (float) – Intersection over union threshold (default 0.3).

  • device (Device) – Device (CPU or CUDA, default is CUDA).

  • detection_frame_range (Optional[List[int]]) – Detection frame range (for videos).

  • allocation_enabled (bool) – Object UID allocation (tracking) enabled (disabled by default).

  • data_hashes (Optional[List[str]]) – List of hash of the videos/image_groups you want to run inference on.

  • rdp_thresh (float) – Parameter specifying the polygon coarseness to be used while running inference. The higher the value, the fewer points in the segmented image.

Return type:

Inference results


A dict of inference results.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no model exists using the specified model_iteration_hash (uid).

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while running inference.

  • [FileTypeNotSupportedError] – If the file type is not supported for inference (must be an image or video).

  • [FileSizeNotSupportedError] – If the file size is too big.

  • [DetectionRangeInvalidError] – If a detection range is invalid for video inference.

    def model_inference(
        uid: str,
        file_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        base64_strings: Optional[List[bytes]] = None,
        conf_thresh: float = 0.6,
        iou_thresh: float = 0.3,
        device: Device = Device.CUDA,
        detection_frame_range: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        allocation_enabled: bool = False,
        data_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        rdp_thresh: float = 0.005,
        Run inference with model trained on the platform.

        The image(s)/video(s) can be provided either as local file paths, base64 strings, or as data hashes if the
        data is already uploaded on the Encord platform.

            uid: A model_iteration_hash (uid) string.
            file_paths: List of local file paths to image(s) or video(s) - if running inference on files.
            base64_strings: List of base 64 strings of image(s) or video(s) - if running inference on base64 strings.
            conf_thresh: Confidence threshold (default 0.6).
            iou_thresh: Intersection over union threshold (default 0.3).
            device: Device (CPU or CUDA, default is CUDA).
            detection_frame_range: Detection frame range (for videos).
            allocation_enabled: Object UID allocation (tracking) enabled (disabled by default).
            data_hashes: list of hash of the videos/image_groups you'd like to run inference on.
            rdp_thresh: parameter specifying the polygon coarseness to be used while running inference. The higher the
                value, the less points in the segmented image

            Inference results: A dict of inference results.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no model exists by the specified model_iteration_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while running inference.
            FileTypeNotSupportedError: If the file type is not supported for inference (has to be an image or video)
            FileSizeNotSupportedError: If the file size is too big to be supported.
            DetectionRangeInvalidError: If a detection range is invalid for video inference
        return self._client.model_inference(


Train a model created on the platform.

model_train(uid, label_rows=None, epochs=None, batch_size=24, weights=None, device=Device.CUDA)


  • uid (str) – A model_hash (uid) string.

  • label_rows (Optional[List[str]]) – List of label row uid’s (hashes) for training.

  • epochs (Optional[int]) – Number of times the model is trained forward and backward on the dataset.

  • batch_size (int) – Number of training examples used in one iteration.

  • weights (Optional[ModelTrainingWeights]) – Model weights.

  • device (Device) – Device (CPU or CUDA, default is CUDA).


A model iteration object.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ModelWeightsInconsistentError] – If the passed model weights are incompatible with the selected model.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no model exists by the specified model_hash (uid).

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs during training.

    def model_train(
        uid: str,
        label_rows: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        batch_size: int = 24,
        weights: Optional[ModelTrainingWeights] = None,
        device: Device = Device.CUDA,
        Train a model created on the platform.

            uid: A model_hash (uid) string.
            label_rows: List of label row uid's (hashes) for training.
            epochs: Number of passes through training dataset.
            batch_size: Number of training examples utilized in one iteration.
            weights: Model weights.
            device: Device (CPU or CUDA, default is CUDA).

            A model iteration object.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ModelWeightsInconsistentError: If the passed model weights are incompatible with the selected model.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no model exists by the specified model_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs during training.
        return self._client.model_train(


Run object interpolation algorithm on project labels (requires an editor ontology and feature uid’s).

Interpolation is supported for the following shapes:

  • Bounding box,
  • Rotatable bounding box
  • Polygon
  • Polyline
  • Object primitive
  • Keypoint
  • Bitmask (contact us at [email protected] for access)
object_interpolation(key_frames, objects_to_interpolate)


  • key_frames – Keyframes are frames between which interpolation occurs. Keyframes are used as 'ground truth' labels. The interpolation range is between the first and last keyframes. Key frames are specified as a dictionary in which the <frame_number> is the key, the objectHash and featureHashes of the objects to be interpolated are the values. For example:
    "<frame_number>": {
        "objects": [
                "objectHash": "<object_hash>",
                "featureHash": "<feature_hash>",
                "polygon": {
                    "0": { "x": x1, "y": y1, },
                    "1": { "x": x2, "y": y2, },
                    # ...,
            # ...
    # ...,
  • objects_to_interpolate – List of object uid’s (hashes) to interpolate.

Return type:

Interpolation results


Full set of filled frames including interpolated objects.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError]– If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while running interpolation.

    def object_interpolation(
        return self._client.object_interpolation(key_frames, objects_to_interpolate)


Specifies the size of bounding boxes in a frame from an image or video.

fitted_bounding_boxes(frames, video)


  • frames (dict) – Labels for frames to be fitted. Frames are consumed in the form:
    "<frame_number>": {
        "objects": [
                "objectHash": "<object_hash>",
                "featureHash": "<feature_hash>",
                "polygon": {
                    "0": { "x": x1, "y": y1, },
                    "1": { "x": x2, "y": y2, },
                    # ...,
            # ...
    # ...,
  • video (dict) – Metadata of the video for which bounding box fitting needs to be run:
    "width" : w,
    "height" : h,

Return type:

Fitting results


Full set of filled frames including fitted objects.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while running interpolation.

    def fitted_bounding_boxes(
        frames: dict,
        video: dict,

            frames: Labels for frames to be fitted. Frames are consumed in the form::

                    "<frame_number>": {
                        "objects": [
                                "objectHash": "<object_hash>",
                                "featureHash": "<feature_hash>",
                                "polygon": {
                                    "0": { "x": x1, "y": y1, },
                                    "1": { "x": x2, "y": y2, },
                                    # ...,
                            # ...
                    # ...,

            video: Metadata of the video for which bounding box fitting needs to be

                            "width" : w,
                            "height" : h,

            Fitting results: Full set of filled frames including fitted objects.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while running interpolation.
        return self._client.fitted_bounding_boxes(frames, video)


Retrieve information about a video or image group.

get_data(data_hash, get_signed_url=False)


  • data_hash (str) – The uid of the data object

  • get_signed_url (bool) – Optionally return signed URLs for timed public access to that resource (default False)

Return type:

Tuple[Optional[Video], Optional[List[Image]]]


A consisting of the video (if it exists) and a list of individual images (if they exist).


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while retrieving the object.

    def get_data(self, data_hash: str, get_signed_url: bool = False) -> Tuple[Optional[Video], Optional[List[Image]]]:
        Retrieve information about a video or image group.

            data_hash: The uid of the data object
            get_signed_url: Optionally return signed URLs for timed public access to that resource
                (default False)

            A consisting of the video (if it exists) and a list of individual images (if they exist)

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the object.
        return self._client.get_data(data_hash, get_signed_url)



Return type:


    def get_websocket_url(self) -> str:
        return self._client.get_websocket_url()


Get label logs, which represent the actions taken in the UI to create labels.

All arguments can be left as None if no filtering should be applied.

get_label_logs(user_hash=None, data_hash=None, from_unix_seconds=None, to_unix_seconds=None, after=None, before=None, user_email=None)


  • user_hash (Optional[str]) – Filter the label logs by the user.

  • data_hash (Optional[str]) – Filter the label logs by the data_hash.

  • from_unix_seconds (Optional[int]) – Filter the label logs to only include labels after this timestamp. Deprecated: use parameter after instead

  • to_unix_seconds (Optional[int]) – Filter the label logs to only include labels before this timestamp. Deprecated: use parameter before instead

  • after (Optional[datetime]) – Filter the label logs to only include labels after the specified time.

  • before (Optional[datetime]) – Filter the label logs to only include labels before the specified time.

  • user_email (Optional[str]) – Filter by the annotator email.

Return type:


    def get_label_logs(
        user_hash: Optional[str] = None,
        data_hash: Optional[str] = None,
        from_unix_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
        to_unix_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
        after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        user_email: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> List[LabelLog]:
        Get label logs, which represent the actions taken in the UI to create labels.

        All arguments can be left as `None` if no filtering should be applied.

            user_hash: Filter the label logs by the user.
            data_hash: Filter the label logs by the data_hash.
            from_unix_seconds: Filter the label logs to only include labels after this timestamp. **Deprecated**: use parameter **after** instead
            to_unix_seconds: Filter the label logs to only include labels before this timestamp. **Deprecated**: use parameter **before** instead
            after: Filter the label logs to only include labels after the specified time.
            before: Filter the label logs to only include labels before the specified time.
            user_email: Filter by the annotator email.
        return self._client.get_label_logs(
            user_hash, data_hash, from_unix_seconds, to_unix_seconds, after, before, user_email


Gets your cloud integration information.


Return type:


    def get_cloud_integrations(self) -> List[CloudIntegration]:
        return self._client.get_cloud_integrations()


Initializes a bundle to reduce amount of network calls performed by the Encord SDK.



See the Bundle definition in the Utlities - performance section for more details.


Return type:


    def create_bundle(self) -> Bundle:
        Initialises a bundle to reduce amount of network calls performed by the Encord SDK

        See the :class:`encord.http.bundle.Bundle` documentation for more details
        return Bundle()


Provides information about time spent for each collaborator that has worked on the project within a specified range of dates.

list_collaborator_timers(after, before=None, group_by_data_unit=True)


  • after (datetime) – the beginning of the period of interest.

  • before (Optional[datetime]) – the end of period of interest.

  • group_by_data_unit (bool) – if True, time spent by a collaborator for each data unit is provided separately, and if False, all time spent in the scope of the project is aggregated together.

Return type:




    def list_collaborator_timers(
        after: datetime.datetime,
        before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        group_by_data_unit: bool = True,
    ) -> Iterable[CollaboratorTimer]:
        Provides information about time spent for each collaborator that has worked on the project within a specified
        range of dates.

             after: the beginning of the period of interest.
             before: the end of period of interest.
             group_by_data_unit: if `True`, time spent by a collaborator for each data unit is provided separately,
                                 and if `False`, all time spent in the scope of the project is aggregated together.


        params = CollaboratorTimerParams(
            group_by=CollaboratorTimersGroupBy.DATA_UNIT if group_by_data_unit else CollaboratorTimersGroupBy.PROJECT,
            page_size=1000, # Default page_size is 100.

        while True:
            page = self._client_v2.get(
                Path("analytics/collaborators/timers"), params=params, result_type=Page[CollaboratorTimer]

            for result in page.results:
                yield result

            if page.next_page_token is not None:
                params.page_token = page.next_page_token


List all user groups that belong to a specified Project.


Return type:


project_hash = convert_to_uuid(self.project_hash)
page = self._client.list_groups(project_hash)
yield from page.results


Add a user group to a specified Project.

add_group(group_hash, user_role)


  • group_hash: A group hash, or a list of group hashes to be added to the Project.
  • user_role: Specify the Dataset user role to assign to the user group. Project user roles are either Admin, Team manager, Annotator and Reviewer, Annotator, or Reviewer. See ProjectUserRole for more information.

Return type:


project_hash = convert_to_uuid(self.project_hash)
if isinstance(group_hash, UUID):
    group_hash = [group_hash]
self._client.add_groups(project_hash, group_hash, user_role)


Remove one, or multiple groups from a specified Project.



  • group_hash: A group hash, or a list of group hashes to be added to the Project.

Return type:


if isinstance(group_hash, UUID):
    group_hash = [group_hash]

Deprecated methods

DEPRECATED - get_project_ontology

DEPRECATED - Use the [ontology_structure] property accessor instead.


Return type:


    @deprecated(version="0.1.95", alternative=".ontology_structure")
    def get_project_ontology(self) -> LegacyOntology:
        DEPRECATED - prefer using the `ontology_structure` property accessor instead.
        return self._client.get_project_ontology()

DEPRECATED - add_object

DEPRECATED - Adds an object to an Ontology.

Going forward use ontology = UserClient.get_ontology(project.ontology_hash) , then use ontology.structure.add_object (and other) calls to edit the ontology, and then save changes with



This legacy method affects all the Projects sharing the same Ontology.

add_object(name, shape)


name (str) – the name of the object

shape (ObjectShape) – the shape of the object. (BOUNDING_BOX, ROTATABLE_BOUNDING_BOX, POLYGON, POLYLINE, KEY_POINT, or BITMASK)

Return type:



True if the object was added successfully and False otherwise.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while adding the object to the project ontology.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the operation is not allowed by the API key.

  • [ValueError] – If invalid arguments are supplied in the function call.

    def add_object(self, name: str, shape: ObjectShape) -> bool:
        Add object to an ontology.

        ATTENTION: this legacy method will affect all the projects sharing the same ontology

            name: the name of the object
            shape: the shape of the object. (BOUNDING_BOX, POLYGON, POLYLINE or KEY_POINT)

            True if the object was added successfully and False otherwise.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while add te object to the project ontology
            OperationNotAllowed: If the operation is not allowed by the API key.
            ValueError: If invalid arguments are supplied in the function call
        res = self._client.add_object(name, shape)
        return res

DEPRECATED - add_classification

Adds a Classification to an Ontology.



This legacy method affects all the projects sharing the same ontology.

add_classification(name, classification_type, required, options=None)


  • name (str) – Name of the classification

  • classification_type (ClassificationType) – Classification type (RADIO, TEXT or CHECKLIST)

  • required (whether this classification is required by the annotator) –

  • options (Optional[Iterable[str]]) – the list of options for the classification (set to None for text)


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while adding the object to the project ontology.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the operation is not allowed by the API key.

  • [ValueError] – If invalid arguments are supplied in the function call.

    def add_classification(
        name: str,
        classification_type: ClassificationType,
        required: bool,
        options: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        Add classification to an ontology.

        ATTENTION: this legacy method will affect all the projects sharing the same ontology

            name: the name of the classification
            classification_type: the classification type (RADIO, TEXT or CHECKLIST)
            required (whether this classification is required by the annotator):
            options: the list of options for the classification (to be set to None for texts)

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while add te classification to the project ontology
            OperationNotAllowed: If the operation is not allowed by the API key.
            ValueError: If invalid arguments are supplied in the function call
        res = self._client.add_classification(name, classification_type, required, options)
        return res

DEPRECATED - list_label_rows

DEPRECATED - Use [list_label_rows_v2] to manage label rows instead.

list_label_rows(edited_before=None, edited_after=None, label_statuses=None, shadow_data_state=None, *, include_uninitialised_labels=False, label_hashes=None, data_hashes=None)


  • edited_before (Union[str, datetime, None]) – Optionally filter to only rows last edited before the specified time.

  • edited_after (Union[str, datetime, None]) – Optionally filter to only rows last edited after the specified time.

  • label_statuses (Optional[ListAnnotationTaskStatus]) – Optionally filter to only those label rows that have one of the specified AnnotationTaskStatus.

  • shadow_data_state (Optional[ShadowDataState]) – On Optionally filter by data type in Benchmark QA projects. See ShadowDataState.

  • include_uninitialised_labels – Whether to return only label rows that are “created” and have a label_hash (default). If set to True, this will return all label rows, including those that do not have a label_hash.

  • data_hashes (Optional[List[str]]) – List of data hashes to filter by.

  • label_hashes (Optional[List[str]]) – List of label hashes to filter by.

Return type:



A list of LabelRowMetadata instances for all the matching label rows.


UnknownError – If an error occurs while retrieving the data.

    def list_label_rows(
        edited_before: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        edited_after: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        label_statuses: Optional[List[AnnotationTaskStatus]] = None,
        shadow_data_state: Optional[ShadowDataState] = None,
        label_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        data_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ) -> List[LabelRowMetadata]:
        DEPRECATED - use `list_label_rows_v2` to manage label rows instead.

            edited_before: Optionally filter to only rows last edited before the specified time
            edited_after: Optionally filter to only rows last edited after the specified time
            label_statuses: Optionally filter to only those label rows that have one of the specified :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.AnnotationTaskStatus`
            shadow_data_state: On Optionally filter by data type in Benchmark QA projects. See :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.ShadowDataState`
            include_uninitialised_labels: Whether to return only label rows that are "created" and have a label_hash
                (default). If set to `True`, this will return all label rows, including those that do not have a
            data_hashes: List of data hashes to filter by.
            label_hashes: List of label hashes to filter by.

            A list of :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.LabelRowMetadata` instances for all the matching label rows

            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the data.
        return self._client.list_label_rows(

DEPRECATED - set_label_status

DEPRECATED - Sets the label status for a label row to a specified value.

set_label_status(label_hash, label_status)


  • self – Encord client object.

  • label_hash (str) – unique identifier of the label row whose status is to be updated.

  • label_status (LabelStatus) – the new status that needs to be set.

Return type:





  • [AuthorisationError] – If the label_hash provided is invalid or not a member of the project.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while updating the status.

    def set_label_status(self, label_hash: str, label_status: LabelStatus) -> bool:
        DEPRECATED - this function is currently not maintained.

        Set the label status for a label row to a desired value.

            self: Encord client object.
            label_hash: unique identifier of the label row whose status is to be updated.
            label_status: the new status that needs to be set.


            AuthorisationError: If the label_hash provided is invalid or not a member of the project.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while updating the status.
        return self._client.set_label_status(label_hash, label_status)

DEPRECATED - get_label_row

DEPRECATED: Use list_label_rows_v2 to interact with label rows.

get_label_row(uid, get_signed_url=True, *, include_object_feature_hashes=None, include_classification_feature_hashes=None, include_reviews=False)

A code example using the [include_object_feature_hashes] and [include_classification_feature_hashes] filters can be found in [encord.project.Project.get_label_row()].


  • uid (str) – A label_hash (uid) string.

  • get_signed_url (bool) – Whether to generate signed urls to the data asset. Generating these should be disabled if the signed urls are not used to speed up the request.

  • include_object_feature_hashes (Optional[Set[str]]) – If None all the objects will be included. Otherwise, only objects labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.

  • include_classification_feature_hashes (Optional[Set[str]]) – If None all the classifications will be included. Otherwise, only classification labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.

  • include_reviews (bool) – Whether to request read only information about the reviews of the label row.

Return type:



A label row instance.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while retrieving the label.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the read operation is not allowed by the API key.

    def get_label_row(
        uid: str,
        get_signed_url: bool = True,
        include_object_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_classification_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_reviews: bool = False,
    ) -> LabelRow:
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Retrieve label row. If you need to retrieve multiple label rows, prefer using
        :meth:`encord.project.Project.get_label_rows` instead.

        A code example using the `include_object_feature_hashes` and `include_classification_feature_hashes`
        filters can be found in :meth:`encord.project.Project.get_label_row`.

            uid: A label_hash   (uid) string.
            get_signed_url: Whether to generate signed urls to the data asset. Generating these should be disabled
                if the signed urls are not used to speed up the request.
            include_object_feature_hashes: If None all the objects will be included. Otherwise, only objects labels
                will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
            include_classification_feature_hashes: If None all the classifications will be included. Otherwise, only
                classification labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
            include_reviews: Whether to request read only information about the reviews of the label row.

            LabelRow: A label row instance.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the read operation is not allowed by the API key.
        return self._client.get_label_row(

DEPRECATED - get_label_rows

DEPRECATED: Use list_label_rows_v2 to interact with label rows.

get_label_rows(uids, get_signed_url=True, *, include_object_feature_hashes=None, include_classification_feature_hashes=None, include_reviews=False)

Retrieve a list of label rows. Duplicates will be dropped. The result returns in a random order.

This return is undefined behavior if any of the uids are invalid (for example, it may randomly fail or randomly succeed and should not be relied upon).

# Code example of using the object filters.
from encord.objects.common import Shape
from encord.objects.ontology_structure import OntologyStructure

project = ... # assuming you already have instantiated this Project object

# Get all feature hashes of the objects which are of type `Shape.BOUNDING_BOX`
ontology = OntologyStructure.from_dict(project.ontology)
only_bounding_box_feature_hashes = set()
for object_ in ontology.objects:
    if object_.shape == Shape.BOUNDING_BOX:

no_classification_feature_hashes = set()  # deliberately left empty

# Get all labels of tasks that have already been initiated.
# Include only labels of bounding boxes and exclude all
# classifications
label_hashes = []
for label_row in project.label_rows:
    # Trying to run `get_label_row` on a label_row without a `label_hash` would fail.
    if label_row["label_hash"] is not None:

all_labels = project.get_label_rows(


  • uids (List[str]) – A list of label_hash (uid).

  • get_signed_url (bool) – Whether to generate signed urls to the data asset. Generating these should be disabled
    if the signed urls are not used to speed up the request.

    • include_object_feature_hashes: If None all the objects will be included. Otherwise, only objects labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.

    • include_classification_feature_hashes: If None all the classifications will be included. Otherwise, only classification labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.

  • include_reviews: Whether to request read only information about the reviews of the label row.

Return type:



  • [MultiLabelLimitError] – If too many labels were requested. Check the error’s maximum_labels_allowed field to read the most up-to-date error limit.

  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while retrieving the label.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the read operation is not allowed by the API key.

    def get_label_rows(
        uids: List[str],
        get_signed_url: bool = True,
        include_object_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_classification_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_reviews: bool = False,
    ) -> List[LabelRow]:
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Retrieve a list of label rows. Duplicates will be dropped. The result will come back in a random order.

        This return is undefined behaviour if any of the uids are invalid (i.e. it may randomly fail or randomly
        succeed and should not be relied upon).

        .. code::

                # Code example of using the object filters.
                from encord.objects.common import Shape
                from encord.objects.ontology_structure import OntologyStructure

                project = ... # assuming you already have instantiated this Project object

                # Get all feature hashes of the objects which are of type `Shape.BOUNDING_BOX`
                ontology = OntologyStructure.from_dict(project.ontology)
                only_bounding_box_feature_hashes = set()
                for object_ in ontology.objects:
                    if object_.shape == Shape.BOUNDING_BOX:

                no_classification_feature_hashes = set()  # deliberately left empty

                # Get all labels of tasks that have already been initiated.
                # Include only labels of bounding boxes and exclude all
                # classifications
                label_hashes = []
                for label_row in project.label_rows:
                    # Trying to run `get_label_row` on a label_row without a `label_hash` would fail.
                    if label_row["label_hash"] is not None:

                all_labels = project.get_label_rows(

                A list of label_hash (uid).
                Whether to generate signed urls to the data asset. Generating these should be disabled
                if the signed urls are not used to speed up the request.
                If None all the objects will be included. Otherwise, only objects labels
                will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
                If None all the classifications will be included. Otherwise, only
                classification labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
            include_reviews: Whether to request read only information about the reviews of the label row.

            MultiLabelLimitError: If too many labels were requested. Check the error's `maximum_labels_allowed` field
                to read the most up to date error limit.
            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the read operation is not allowed by the API key.
        return self._client.get_label_rows(

DEPRECATED - save_label_row

DEPRECATED: Use list_label_rows_v2 to interact with label rows.

Saves an existing label row.

save_label_row(uid, label, validate_before_saving: bool = False)

If you have a series of frame labels and have not updated answer dictionaries, call the construct_answer_dictionaries utilities function to do so prior to saving labels.


  • uid – A label_hash (uid) string.

  • label – A label row instance.

  • validate_before_saving - A boolean that enables the validation of labels before saving. Set this to True to validate. Default value is False.

Return type:





  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [ResourceNotFoundError] – If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while saving the label.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.

  • [AnswerDictionaryError] – If an object or classification instance is missing in answer dictionaries.

  • [CorruptedLabelError] – If a blurb is corrupted (for example, if the frame labels have more frames than the video).

    def save_label_row(self, uid, label):
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Save existing label row.

        If you have a series of frame labels and have not updated answer
        dictionaries, call the construct_answer_dictionaries utilities function
        to do so prior to saving labels.

            uid: A label_hash (uid) string.
            label: A label row instance.


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while saving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
            AnswerDictionaryError: If an object or classification instance is missing in answer dictionaries.
            CorruptedLabelError: If a blurb is corrupted (e.g. if the frame labels have more frames than the video).
        return self._client.save_label_row(uid, label)

DEPRECATED - create_label_row

DEPRECATED: Use list_label_rows_v2 to interact with label rows.

Creates a label row (for data in a project not previously labeled).



uid (str) – the data_hash (uid) of the data unit being labeled. Available in client.get_project().get(‘label_rows’) where label_status is NOT_LABELLED.

Return type:



A label row instance.


  • [AuthenticationError] – If the project API key is invalid.

  • [AuthorisationError] – If access to the specified resource is restricted.

  • [UnknownError] – If an error occurs while saving the label.

  • [OperationNotAllowed] – If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.

  • [AnswerDictionaryError] – If an object or classification instance is missing in answer dictionaries.

  • [CorruptedLabelError] – If a blurb is corrupted (e.g. if the frame labels have more frames than the video).

  • [ResourceExistsError] – If a label row already exists for this project data. Avoids overriding existing work.

    def create_label_row(self, uid: str):
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Create a label row (for data in a project not previously been labeled).

            uid: the data_hash (uid) of the data unit being labeled.
                Available in client.get_project().get('label_rows')
                where label_status is NOT_LABELLED.

            LabelRow: A label row instance.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while saving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
            AnswerDictionaryError: If an object or classification instance is missing in answer dictionaries.
            CorruptedLabelError: If a blurb is corrupted (e.g. if the frame labels have more frames than the video).
            ResourceExistsError: If a label row already exists for this project data. Avoids overriding existing work.
        return self._client.create_label_row(uid)


import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from encord.client import EncordClientProject
from encord.common.deprecated import deprecated
from encord.constants.model import AutomationModels, Device
from encord.http.bundle import Bundle
from encord.http.v2.api_client import ApiClient
from encord.http.v2.payloads import Page
from encord.objects import LabelRowV2, OntologyStructure
from encord.ontology import Ontology
from import (
from encord.orm.cloud_integration import CloudIntegration
from encord.orm.dataset import Image, Video
from encord.orm.label_log import LabelLog
from encord.orm.label_row import (
from encord.orm.model import ModelConfiguration, ModelTrainingWeights, TrainingMetadata
from encord.orm.project import CopyDatasetOptions, CopyLabelsOptions
from encord.orm.project import Project as OrmProject
from encord.project_ontology.classification_type import ClassificationType
from encord.project_ontology.object_type import ObjectShape
from encord.project_ontology.ontology import Ontology as LegacyOntology
from encord.utilities.project_user import ProjectUser, ProjectUserRole

[docs]class Project:
    Access project related data and manipulate the project.

    def __init__(
        self, client: EncordClientProject, project_instance: OrmProject, ontology: Ontology, client_v2: ApiClient
        self._client = client
        self._client_v2 = client_v2
        self._project_instance = project_instance
        self._ontology = ontology

    def project_hash(self) -> str:
        Get the project hash (i.e. the Project ID).
        return self._project_instance.project_hash

    def title(self) -> str:
        Get the title of the project.
        return self._project_instance.title

    def description(self) -> str:
        Get the description of the project.
        return self._project_instance.description

    def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Get the time the project was created at.
        return self._project_instance.created_at

    def last_edited_at(self) -> datetime.datetime:
        Get the time the project was last edited at.
        return self._project_instance.last_edited_at

    @deprecated(version="0.1.95", alternative=".ontology_structure")
    def ontology(self) -> dict:
        Get the ontology of the project.

        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the :meth:`encord.Project.ontology_structure` method.
        return self._project_instance.editor_ontology

    def ontology_hash(self) -> str:
        Get the ontology hash of the project's ontology.
        return self._ontology.ontology_hash

    def ontology_structure(self) -> OntologyStructure:
        Get the ontology structure of the project's ontology.
        return self._ontology.structure

    def datasets(self) -> list:
        Get the associated datasets.

        Prefer using the :meth:`encord.objects.project.ProjectDataset` class to work with the data.

        .. code::

            from encord.objects.project import ProjectDataset

            project = user_client.get_project("<project_hash>")

            project_datasets = ProjectDataset.from_list(project.datasets)

        return self._project_instance.datasets

    def label_rows(self) -> dict:
        Get the label rows.
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using :meth:`list_label_rows_v2()` method and :meth:`LabelRowV2` class to work with the data.

        .. code::

            from encord.orm.label_row import LabelRowMetadata

            project = user_client.get_project("<project_hash>")

            label_rows = LabelRowMetadata.from_list(project.label_rows)

        if self._project_instance.label_rows is None:
            self._project_instance = self._client.get_project(include_labels_metadata=True)
        return self._project_instance.label_rows

[docs]    def refetch_data(self) -> None:
        The Project class will only fetch its properties once. Use this function if you suspect the state of those
        properties to be dirty.
        self._project_instance = self._client.get_project()

[docs]    def refetch_ontology(self) -> None:
        Update the ontology for the project to reflect changes on the backend

[docs]    def get_project(self) -> OrmProject:
        This function is exposed for convenience. You are encouraged to use the property accessors instead.
        return self._client.get_project()

[docs]    def list_label_rows_v2(
        data_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        edited_before: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        edited_after: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        label_statuses: Optional[List[AnnotationTaskStatus]] = None,
        shadow_data_state: Optional[ShadowDataState] = None,
        data_title_eq: Optional[str] = None,
        data_title_like: Optional[str] = None,
        workflow_graph_node_title_eq: Optional[str] = None,
        workflow_graph_node_title_like: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> List[LabelRowV2]:
            data_hashes: List of data hashes to filter by.
            label_hashes: List of label hashes to filter by.
            edited_before: Optionally filter to only rows last edited before the specified time
            edited_after: Optionally filter to only rows last edited after the specified time
            label_statuses: Optionally filter to only those label rows that have one of the specified :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.AnnotationTaskStatus`es
            shadow_data_state: On Optionally filter by data type in Benchmark QA projects. See :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.ShadowDataState`
            data_title_eq: Optionally filter by exact title match
            data_title_like: Optionally filter by fuzzy title match; SQL syntax
            workflow_graph_node_title_eq: Optionally filter by exact match with workflow node title
            workflow_graph_node_title_like: Optionally filter by fuzzy match with workflow node title; SQL syntax

            A list of :class:`~encord.objects.LabelRowV2` instances for all the matching label rows
        label_row_metadatas = self._client.list_label_rows(

        label_rows = [
            LabelRowV2(label_row_metadata, self._client, self._ontology) for label_row_metadata in label_row_metadatas
        return label_rows

[docs]    def add_users(self, user_emails: List[str], user_role: ProjectUserRole) -> List[ProjectUser]:
        Add users to project

            user_emails: list of user emails to be added
            user_role: the user role to assign to all users


            AuthorisationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no project exists by the specified project EntityId.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while adding the users to the project
        return self._client.add_users(user_emails, user_role)

[docs]    def copy_project(
        copy_datasets: Union[bool, CopyDatasetOptions] = False,
        copy_labels: Optional[CopyLabelsOptions] = None,
        new_title: Optional[str] = None,
        new_description: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> str:
        Copy the current project into a new one with copied contents including settings, datasets and users.
        Labels and models are optional.

            copy_datasets: if `True`, the datasets of the existing project are copied over, and new
                           tasks are created from those datasets
            copy_collaborators: if `True`, all users of the existing project are copied over with their current roles.
                                If label and/or annotator reviewer mapping is set, this will also be copied over
            copy_models: currently if `True`, all models with their training information will be copied into the new
            copy_labels: options for copying labels, defined in `CopyLabelsOptions`
            new_title: when provided, will be used as the title for the new project.
            new_description: when provided, will be used as the title for the new project.

            the EntityId of the newly created project

            AuthorisationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no project exists by the specified project EntityId.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while copying the project.
        return self._client.copy_project(

[docs]    def submit_label_row_for_review(self, uid: str):
        Submit a label row for review.

        **Note:** this method is not supported for the workflow-based projects. See the documentation about the workflows

            uid: A label_hash (uid) string.


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while submitting for review.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
        return self._client.submit_label_row_for_review(uid)

[docs]    def add_datasets(self, dataset_hashes: List[str]) -> bool:
        Add a dataset to a project

            dataset_hashes: List of dataset hashes of the datasets to be added


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If one or more datasets don't exist by the specified dataset_hashes.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while adding the datasets to the project.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
        res = self._client.add_datasets(dataset_hashes)
        return res

[docs]    def remove_datasets(self, dataset_hashes: List[str]) -> bool:
        Remove datasets from project

            dataset_hashes: List of dataset hashes of the datasets to be removed


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no dataset exists by the specified dataset_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while removing the datasets from the project.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the operation is not allowed by the API key.
        res = self._client.remove_datasets(dataset_hashes)
        return res

[docs]    @deprecated(version="0.1.95", alternative=".ontology_structure")
    def get_project_ontology(self) -> LegacyOntology:
        DEPRECATED - prefer using the `ontology_structure` property accessor instead.
        return self._client.get_project_ontology()

[docs]    def add_object(self, name: str, shape: ObjectShape) -> bool:
        Add object to an ontology.

        ATTENTION: this legacy method will affect all the projects sharing the same ontology

            name: the name of the object
            shape: the shape of the object. (BOUNDING_BOX, POLYGON, POLYLINE or KEY_POINT)

            True if the object was added successfully and False otherwise.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while add te object to the project ontology
            OperationNotAllowed: If the operation is not allowed by the API key.
            ValueError: If invalid arguments are supplied in the function call
        res = self._client.add_object(name, shape)
        return res

[docs]    def add_classification(
        name: str,
        classification_type: ClassificationType,
        required: bool,
        options: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        Add classification to an ontology.

        ATTENTION: this legacy method will affect all the projects sharing the same ontology

            name: the name of the classification
            classification_type: the classification type (RADIO, TEXT or CHECKLIST)
            required (whether this classification is required by the annotator):
            options: the list of options for the classification (to be set to None for texts)

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while add te classification to the project ontology
            OperationNotAllowed: If the operation is not allowed by the API key.
            ValueError: If invalid arguments are supplied in the function call
        res = self._client.add_classification(name, classification_type, required, options)
        return res

[docs]    def list_models(self) -> List[ModelConfiguration]:
        List all models that are associated with the project. Use the
        :meth:`encord.project.Project.get_training_metadata` to get more metadata about each training instance.

        .. code::

            from encord.utilities.project_utilities import get_all_model_iteration_uids

            project = client_instance.get_project(<project_hash>)

            model_configurations = project.list_models()
            all_model_iteration_uids = get_all_model_iteration_uids(model_configurations)
            training_metadata = project.get_training_metadata(
        return self._client.list_models()

[docs]    def get_training_metadata(
        model_iteration_uids: Iterable[str],
        get_created_at: bool = False,
        get_training_final_loss: bool = False,
        get_model_training_labels: bool = False,
    ) -> List[TrainingMetadata]:
        Given a list of model_iteration_uids, get some metadata around each model_iteration.

            model_iteration_uids: The model iteration uids
            get_created_at: Whether the `created_at` field should be retrieved.
            get_training_final_loss: Whether the `training_final_loss` field should be retrieved.
            get_model_training_labels: Whether the `model_training_labels` field should be retrieved.
        return self._client.get_training_metadata(
            model_iteration_uids, get_created_at, get_training_final_loss, get_model_training_labels

[docs]    def create_model_row(
        title: str,
        description: str,
        features: List[str],
        model: Union[AutomationModels, str],
    ) -> str:
        Create a model row.

            title: Model title.
            description: Model description.
            features: List of <feature_node_hashes> which is id's of ontology objects
                      or classifications to be included in the model.
            model: the model type to be used.
                   For backwards compatibility purposes, we continuously allow strings
                   corresponding to the values of the :class:`.AutomationModels` Enum.

            The uid of the added model row.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ModelFeaturesInconsistentError: If a feature type is different than what is supported by the model (e.g. if
                creating a classification model using a bounding box).
        return self._client.create_model_row(title, description, features, model)

[docs]    def model_delete(self, uid: str) -> bool:
        Delete a model created on the platform.

            uid: A model_hash (uid) string.


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no model exists by the specified model_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs during training.

        return self._client.model_delete(uid)

[docs]    def model_inference(
        uid: str,
        file_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        base64_strings: Optional[List[bytes]] = None,
        conf_thresh: float = 0.6,
        iou_thresh: float = 0.3,
        device: Device = Device.CUDA,
        detection_frame_range: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        allocation_enabled: bool = False,
        data_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        rdp_thresh: float = 0.005,
        Run inference with model trained on the platform.

        The image(s)/video(s) can be provided either as local file paths, base64 strings, or as data hashes if the
        data is already uploaded on the Encord platform.

            uid: A model_iteration_hash (uid) string.
            file_paths: List of local file paths to image(s) or video(s) - if running inference on files.
            base64_strings: List of base 64 strings of image(s) or video(s) - if running inference on base64 strings.
            conf_thresh: Confidence threshold (default 0.6).
            iou_thresh: Intersection over union threshold (default 0.3).
            device: Device (CPU or CUDA, default is CUDA).
            detection_frame_range: Detection frame range (for videos).
            allocation_enabled: Object UID allocation (tracking) enabled (disabled by default).
            data_hashes: list of hash of the videos/image_groups you'd like to run inference on.
            rdp_thresh: parameter specifying the polygon coarseness to be used while running inference. The higher the
                value, the less points in the segmented image

            Inference results: A dict of inference results.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no model exists by the specified model_iteration_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while running inference.
            FileTypeNotSupportedError: If the file type is not supported for inference (has to be an image or video)
            FileSizeNotSupportedError: If the file size is too big to be supported.
            DetectionRangeInvalidError: If a detection range is invalid for video inference
        return self._client.model_inference(

[docs]    def model_train(
        uid: str,
        label_rows: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        epochs: Optional[int] = None,
        batch_size: int = 24,
        weights: Optional[ModelTrainingWeights] = None,
        device: Device = Device.CUDA,
        Train a model created on the platform.

            uid: A model_hash (uid) string.
            label_rows: List of label row uid's (hashes) for training.
            epochs: Number of passes through training dataset.
            batch_size: Number of training examples utilized in one iteration.
            weights: Model weights.
            device: Device (CPU or CUDA, default is CUDA).

            A model iteration object.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ModelWeightsInconsistentError: If the passed model weights are incompatible with the selected model.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no model exists by the specified model_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs during training.
        return self._client.model_train(

[docs]    def object_interpolation(
        Run object interpolation algorithm on project labels (requires an editor ontology and feature uid's).

        Interpolation is supported for bounding box, polygon, and keypoint.

            key_frames: Labels for frames to be interpolated. Key frames are consumed in the form::

                    "<frame_number>": {
                        "objects": [
                                "objectHash": "<object_hash>",
                                "featureHash": "<feature_hash>",
                                "polygon": {
                                    "0": { "x": x1, "y": y1, },
                                    "1": { "x": x2, "y": y2, },
                                    # ...,
                            # ...
                    # ...,

            objects_to_interpolate: List of object uid's (hashes) of objects to interpolate.

            Interpolation results: Full set of filled frames including interpolated objects.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while running interpolation.
        return self._client.object_interpolation(key_frames, objects_to_interpolate)

[docs]    def fitted_bounding_boxes(
        frames: dict,
        video: dict,

            frames: Labels for frames to be fitted. Frames are consumed in the form::

                    "<frame_number>": {
                        "objects": [
                                "objectHash": "<object_hash>",
                                "featureHash": "<feature_hash>",
                                "polygon": {
                                    "0": { "x": x1, "y": y1, },
                                    "1": { "x": x2, "y": y2, },
                                    # ...,
                            # ...
                    # ...,

            video: Metadata of the video for which bounding box fitting needs to be

                            "width" : w,
                            "height" : h,

            Fitting results: Full set of filled frames including fitted objects.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while running interpolation.
        return self._client.fitted_bounding_boxes(frames, video)

[docs]    def get_data(self, data_hash: str, get_signed_url: bool = False) -> Tuple[Optional[Video], Optional[List[Image]]]:
        Retrieve information about a video or image group.

            data_hash: The uid of the data object
            get_signed_url: Optionally return signed URLs for timed public access to that resource
                (default False)

            A consisting of the video (if it exists) and a list of individual images (if they exist)

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the object.
        return self._client.get_data(data_hash, get_signed_url)

[docs]    def get_websocket_url(self) -> str:
        return self._client.get_websocket_url()

[docs]    def get_label_logs(
        user_hash: Optional[str] = None,
        data_hash: Optional[str] = None,
        from_unix_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
        to_unix_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
        after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        user_email: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> List[LabelLog]:
        Get label logs, which represent the actions taken in the UI to create labels.

        All arguments can be left as `None` if no filtering should be applied.

            user_hash: Filter the label logs by the user.
            data_hash: Filter the label logs by the data_hash.
            from_unix_seconds: Filter the label logs to only include labels after this timestamp. **Deprecated**: use parameter **after** instead
            to_unix_seconds: Filter the label logs to only include labels before this timestamp. **Deprecated**: use parameter **before** instead
            after: Filter the label logs to only include labels after the specified time.
            before: Filter the label logs to only include labels before the specified time.
            user_email: Filter by the annotator email.
        return self._client.get_label_logs(
            user_hash, data_hash, from_unix_seconds, to_unix_seconds, after, before, user_email

[docs]    def get_cloud_integrations(self) -> List[CloudIntegration]:
        return self._client.get_cloud_integrations()

[docs]    def list_label_rows(
        edited_before: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        edited_after: Optional[Union[str, datetime.datetime]] = None,
        label_statuses: Optional[List[AnnotationTaskStatus]] = None,
        shadow_data_state: Optional[ShadowDataState] = None,
        label_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        data_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ) -> List[LabelRowMetadata]:
        DEPRECATED - use `list_label_rows_v2` to manage label rows instead.

            edited_before: Optionally filter to only rows last edited before the specified time
            edited_after: Optionally filter to only rows last edited after the specified time
            label_statuses: Optionally filter to only those label rows that have one of the specified :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.AnnotationTaskStatus`
            shadow_data_state: On Optionally filter by data type in Benchmark QA projects. See :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.ShadowDataState`
            include_uninitialised_labels: Whether to return only label rows that are "created" and have a label_hash
                (default). If set to `True`, this will return all label rows, including those that do not have a
            data_hashes: List of data hashes to filter by.
            label_hashes: List of label hashes to filter by.

            A list of :class:`~encord.orm.label_row.LabelRowMetadata` instances for all the matching label rows

            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the data.
        return self._client.list_label_rows(

[docs]    def set_label_status(self, label_hash: str, label_status: LabelStatus) -> bool:
        DEPRECATED - this function is currently not maintained.

        Set the label status for a label row to a desired value.

            self: Encord client object.
            label_hash: unique identifier of the label row whose status is to be updated.
            label_status: the new status that needs to be set.


            AuthorisationError: If the label_hash provided is invalid or not a member of the project.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while updating the status.
        return self._client.set_label_status(label_hash, label_status)

[docs]    def get_label_row(
        uid: str,
        get_signed_url: bool = True,
        include_object_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_classification_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_reviews: bool = False,
    ) -> LabelRow:
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Retrieve label row. If you need to retrieve multiple label rows, prefer using
        :meth:`encord.project.Project.get_label_rows` instead.

        A code example using the `include_object_feature_hashes` and `include_classification_feature_hashes`
        filters can be found in :meth:`encord.project.Project.get_label_row`.

            uid: A label_hash   (uid) string.
            get_signed_url: Whether to generate signed urls to the data asset. Generating these should be disabled
                if the signed urls are not used to speed up the request.
            include_object_feature_hashes: If None all the objects will be included. Otherwise, only objects labels
                will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
            include_classification_feature_hashes: If None all the classifications will be included. Otherwise, only
                classification labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
            include_reviews: Whether to request read only information about the reviews of the label row.

            LabelRow: A label row instance.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the read operation is not allowed by the API key.
        return self._client.get_label_row(

[docs]    def get_label_rows(
        uids: List[str],
        get_signed_url: bool = True,
        include_object_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_classification_feature_hashes: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
        include_reviews: bool = False,
    ) -> List[LabelRow]:
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Retrieve a list of label rows. Duplicates will be dropped. The result will come back in a random order.

        This return is undefined behaviour if any of the uids are invalid (i.e. it may randomly fail or randomly
        succeed and should not be relied upon).

        .. code::

                # Code example of using the object filters.
                from encord.objects.common import Shape
                from encord.objects.ontology_structure import OntologyStructure

                project = ... # assuming you already have instantiated this Project object

                # Get all feature hashes of the objects which are of type `Shape.BOUNDING_BOX`
                ontology = OntologyStructure.from_dict(project.ontology)
                only_bounding_box_feature_hashes = set()
                for object_ in ontology.objects:
                    if object_.shape == Shape.BOUNDING_BOX:

                no_classification_feature_hashes = set()  # deliberately left empty

                # Get all labels of tasks that have already been initiated.
                # Include only labels of bounding boxes and exclude all
                # classifications
                label_hashes = []
                for label_row in project.label_rows:
                    # Trying to run `get_label_row` on a label_row without a `label_hash` would fail.
                    if label_row["label_hash"] is not None:

                all_labels = project.get_label_rows(

                A list of label_hash (uid).
                Whether to generate signed urls to the data asset. Generating these should be disabled
                if the signed urls are not used to speed up the request.
                If None all the objects will be included. Otherwise, only objects labels
                will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
                If None all the classifications will be included. Otherwise, only
                classification labels will be included of which the feature_hash has been added.
            include_reviews: Whether to request read only information about the reviews of the label row.

            MultiLabelLimitError: If too many labels were requested. Check the error's `maximum_labels_allowed` field
                to read the most up to date error limit.
            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while retrieving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the read operation is not allowed by the API key.
        return self._client.get_label_rows(

[docs]    def save_label_row(self, uid, label):
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Save existing label row.

        If you have a series of frame labels and have not updated answer
        dictionaries, call the construct_answer_dictionaries utilities function
        to do so prior to saving labels.

            uid: A label_hash (uid) string.
            label: A label row instance.


            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            ResourceNotFoundError: If no label exists by the specified label_hash (uid).
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while saving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
            AnswerDictionaryError: If an object or classification instance is missing in answer dictionaries.
            CorruptedLabelError: If a blurb is corrupted (e.g. if the frame labels have more frames than the video).
        return self._client.save_label_row(uid, label)

[docs]    def create_label_row(self, uid: str):
        DEPRECATED: Prefer using the list_label_rows_v2 function to interact with label rows.

        Create a label row (for data in a project not previously been labeled).

            uid: the data_hash (uid) of the data unit being labeled.
                Available in client.get_project().get('label_rows')
                where label_status is NOT_LABELLED.

            LabelRow: A label row instance.

            AuthenticationError: If the project API key is invalid.
            AuthorisationError: If access to the specified resource is restricted.
            UnknownError: If an error occurs while saving the label.
            OperationNotAllowed: If the write operation is not allowed by the API key.
            AnswerDictionaryError: If an object or classification instance is missing in answer dictionaries.
            CorruptedLabelError: If a blurb is corrupted (e.g. if the frame labels have more frames than the video).
            ResourceExistsError: If a label row already exists for this project data. Avoids overriding existing work.
        return self._client.create_label_row(uid)

[docs]    def create_bundle(self) -> Bundle:
        Initialises a bundle to reduce amount of network calls performed by the Encord SDK

        See the :class:`encord.http.bundle.Bundle` documentation for more details
        return Bundle()

[docs]    def list_collaborator_timers(
        after: datetime.datetime,
        before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
        group_by_data_unit: bool = True,
    ) -> Iterable[CollaboratorTimer]:
        Provides information about time spent for each collaborator that has worked on the project within a specified
        range of dates.

             after: the beginning of the period of interest.
             before: the end of period of interest.
             group_by_data_unit: if `True`, time spent by a collaborator for each data unit is provided separately,
                                 and if `False`, all time spent in the scope of the project is aggregated together.


        params = CollaboratorTimerParams(
            group_by=CollaboratorTimersGroupBy.DATA_UNIT if group_by_data_unit else CollaboratorTimersGroupBy.PROJECT,
            page_size=1000, # Default page_size is 100.

        while True:
            page = self._client_v2.get(
                Path("analytics/collaborators/timers"), params=params, result_type=Page[CollaboratorTimer]

            for result in page.results:
                yield result

            if page.next_page_token is not None:
                params.page_token = page.next_page_token