Utilities - Client

References to Client Utilities


def pretty_print(data):
    return pprint.pformat(data, indent=4, width=10)


The APIKeyScope is used to provide specific access rights to a project through EncordUserClient.create_project_api_key(). The options are a follows:

  • LABEL_READ: Access to tutorials/projects:Getting label rows

  • LABEL_WRITE: Access to tutorials/projects:Saving label rows

  • MODEL_INFERENCE: Access to Inference

  • MODEL_TRAIN: Access to Creating a model row and Training

  • LABEL_LOGS_READ: Access to Reviewing label logs

  • ALGO_LIBRARY: Access to algorithms like Object interpolation

class encord.utilities.client_utilities.APIKeyScopes(value)
  • LABEL_READ = 'label.read'
  • LABEL_WRITE = 'label.write'
  • MODEL_INFERENCE = 'model.inference'
  • MODEL_TRAIN = 'model.train'
  • LABEL_LOGS_READ = 'label_logs.read'
  • ALGO_LIBRARY = 'algo.library'
class APIKeyScopes(Enum):
    The APIKeyScope is used to provide specific access rights to a project through
    :meth:`.EncordUserClient.create_project_api_key`. The options are a follows:

        * ``LABEL_READ``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Getting label rows`
        * ``LABEL_WRITE``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Saving label rows`
        * ``MODEL_INFERENCE``: access to
        * ``MODEL_TRAIN``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Creating a model row` and
        * ``LABEL_LOGS_READ``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Reviewing label logs`
        * ``ALGO_LIBRARY``: access to algorithms like
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Object interpolation`


    LABEL_READ = "label.read"
    LABEL_WRITE = "label.write"
    MODEL_INFERENCE = "model.inference"
    MODEL_TRAIN = "model.train"
    LABEL_LOGS_READ = "label_logs.read"
    ALGO_LIBRARY = "algo.library"


class encord.utilities.client_utilities.LocalImport(file_path, map_filename_to_cvat_name=None)


  • file_path: str - Supply the path of the exported folder that contains the images and annotations.xml file. Make sure to select “Save images” when exporting your CVAT Task or Project.

  • map_filename_to_cvat_name: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None - Encord expects that file names (including their relative paths), exactly match the name parameter of CVAT images. If that isn't the case, use the map_filename_to_cvat_name parameter to maps filename to the image name. See our documentation on importing CVAT projects for an example.

class LocalImport:
    file_path: Supply the path of the exported folder which contains the images and `annotations.xml` file. Make
    sure to select "Save images" when exporting your CVAT task or Project.

    file_path: str
    map_filename_to_cvat_name: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None


Using images/videos in cloud storage as an alternative import method will be supported in the future.

ImportMethod = LocalImport
"""Using images/videos in cloud storage as an alternative import method will be supported in the future."""


For each issue_type there may be multiple occurrences which are documented in the instances. The instances list can provide additional information on how the issue was encountered. If there is no additional information available, the instances list will be empty.

class encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issue(issue_type, instances)


  • issue_type: str
  • instances: List[str]
class Issue:
    For each `issue_type` there may be multiple occurrences which are documented in the `instances`. The `instances`
    list can provide additional information on how the issue was encountered. If there is no additional information
    available, the `instances` list will be empty.

    issue_type: str
    instances: List[str]


Any issues that came up during importing a project. These usually come from incompatibilities between data saved on different platforms.

class encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issues(errors, warnings, infos)


  • errors: List[encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issue]
  • warnings: List[encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issue]
  • infos: List[encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issue]
class Issues:
    Any issues that came up during importing a project. These usually come from incompatibilities between data saved
    on different platforms.

    errors: List[Issue]
    warnings: List[Issue]
    infos: List[Issue]

    def from_dict(d: dict) -> "Issues":
        errors, warnings, infos = [], [], []
        for error in d["errors"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=error["issue_type"], instances=error["instances"])
        for warning in d["warnings"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=warning["issue_type"], instances=warning["instances"])
        for info in d["infos"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=info["issue_type"], instances=info["instances"])
        return Issues(errors=errors, warnings=warnings, infos=infos)

static from_dict

static from_dict(d)

Return type:


    def from_dict(d: dict) -> "Issues":
        errors, warnings, infos = [], [], []
        for error in d["errors"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=error["issue_type"], instances=error["instances"])
        for warning in d["warnings"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=warning["issue_type"], instances=warning["instances"])
        for info in d["infos"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=info["issue_type"], instances=info["instances"])
        return Issues(errors=errors, warnings=warnings, infos=infos)


class encord.utilities.client_utilities.CvatImporterSuccess(project_hash, dataset_hash, issues)


  • project_hash: str
  • dataset_hash: str
  • issues: encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issues
class CvatImporterSuccess:
    project_hash: str
    dataset_hash: str
    issues: Issues


class encord.utilities.client_utilities.CvatImporterError(dataset_hash, issues)


  • dataset_hash: str
  • issues: encord.utilities.client_utilities.Issues
class CvatImporterError:
    dataset_hash: str
    issues: Issues


encord.utilities.client_utilities.parse_datetime(key, val)

Return type:


def parse_datetime(key: str, val: Optional[Union[str, datetime]]) -> Optional[str]:
    if not val:
        return None
    if isinstance(val, str):
        return datetime_parser.isoparse(val).isoformat()
    if isinstance(val, datetime):
        return val.isoformat()
        raise ValueError(f"Value for {key} should be a datetime")



Return type:


T = TypeVar("T")

def optional_set_to_list(s: Optional[Set[T]]) -> Optional[List[T]]:
    if s is None:
        return s
        return list(s)

Complete Source

# Copyright (c) 2023 Cord Technologies Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import pprint
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Union

from dateutil import parser as datetime_parser

[docs]def pretty_print(data):
    return pprint.pformat(data, indent=4, width=10)

[docs]class APIKeyScopes(Enum):
    The APIKeyScope is used to provide specific access rights to a project through
    :meth:`.EncordUserClient.create_project_api_key`. The options are a follows:

        * ``LABEL_READ``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Getting label rows`
        * ``LABEL_WRITE``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Saving label rows`
        * ``MODEL_INFERENCE``: access to
        * ``MODEL_TRAIN``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Creating a model row` and
        * ``LABEL_LOGS_READ``: access to
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Reviewing label logs`
        * ``ALGO_LIBRARY``: access to algorithms like
          :ref:`tutorials/projects:Object interpolation`


    LABEL_READ = "label.read"
    LABEL_WRITE = "label.write"
    MODEL_INFERENCE = "model.inference"
    MODEL_TRAIN = "model.train"
    LABEL_LOGS_READ = "label_logs.read"
    ALGO_LIBRARY = "algo.library"

class LocalImport:
    file_path: Supply the path of the exported folder which contains the images and `annotations.xml` file. Make
    sure to select "Save images" when exporting your CVAT Task or Project.

    file_path: str

ImportMethod = LocalImport
"""Using images/videos in cloud storage as an alternative import method will be supported in the future."""

class Issue:
    For each `issue_type` there may be multiple occurrences which are documented in the `instances`. The `instances`
    list can provide additional information on how the issue was encountered. If there is no additional information
    available, the `instances` list will be empty.

    issue_type: str
    instances: List[str]

class Issues:
    Any issues that came up during importing a project. These usually come from incompatibilities between data saved
    on different platforms.

    errors: List[Issue]
    warnings: List[Issue]
    infos: List[Issue]

[docs]    @staticmethod
    def from_dict(d: dict) -> "Issues":
        errors, warnings, infos = [], [], []
        for error in d["errors"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=error["issue_type"], instances=error["instances"])
        for warning in d["warnings"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=warning["issue_type"], instances=warning["instances"])
        for info in d["infos"]:
            issue = Issue(issue_type=info["issue_type"], instances=info["instances"])
        return Issues(errors=errors, warnings=warnings, infos=infos)

class CvatImporterSuccess:
    project_hash: str
    dataset_hash: str
    issues: Issues

class CvatImporterError:
    dataset_hash: str
    issues: Issues

[docs]def parse_datetime(key: str, val: Optional[Union[str, datetime]]) -> Optional[str]:
    if not val:
        return None
    if isinstance(val, str):
        return datetime_parser.isoparse(val).isoformat()
    if isinstance(val, datetime):
        return val.isoformat()
        raise ValueError(f"Value for {key} should be a datetime")

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def optional_set_to_list(s: Optional[Set[T]]) -> Optional[List[T]]:
    if s is None:
        return s
        return list(s)