Encord Active provides the capability to visually explore data and label distributions using pre-defined and custom metrics.

Gaining insights into data distribution across diverse quality metrics allows for the identification of potential data gaps that could influence model performance on outliers or edge cases.

In a Project, access the Analytics page to use the Metric Correlation chart and Class Distribution to explore your data, labels, and model predictions.

Data and label analytics display Metric Correlation and class distribution across your data and labels. You can adjust the X and Y values on the Metric Correlation across a number of data and label metrics. If the Project has no labels, the class distribution graph is empty.

Prediction analytics display Metric Correlation and prediction distribution for your ML model. Prediction distribution provides class and underrepresented class data. You can adjust the X and Y values on the Metric Correlation across a number of data and label metrics.

Analytics View - Data

Analytics View - Labels

Analytics View - Predictions

To access the Analytics view:

  1. Log in to the Encord platform. The Encord home page appears.

  2. Click Active. The Active page appears displaying all Active Projects you have access to.

  3. Click an Active Project. The Explorer page for the Project appears.

  1. Click any of the following:

    • Data
    • Labels
    • Predictions
  2. Click the Analytics view icon. The Analytics view appears.

  3. Adjust the X and Y values for the Metric Correlation as required.

  4. Click the Grid view icon. The Grid view appears.

  5. Filter, sort, and search on your data, labels, and predictions.

  6. Click the Analytics view icon for an updated view.