Data Management and Curation

STEP 1: Register or Import Data into Encord

You can either upload local data or register cloud data in Encord.

Registering your cloud data with Encord only references the files. Your data is not stored on Encord servers.

Create a Cloud Integration

Select your cloud provider.

Create a Folder

You must create a folder in Index to store your files.

  1. Navigate to Files under the Index heading in the Encord platform.
  2. Click the + New folder button to create a new folder. A dialog to create a new folder appears.
  1. Give the folder a meaningful name and description.

  2. Click Create to create the folder. The folder is listed in Files.

Create JSON or CSV for Registration

To register cloud storage files with Encord, you must create a JSON or CSV file specifying the files you want to register.

Find helpful scripts for creating JSON and CSV files for the data registration process here.

All types of data (videos, images, image groups, image sequences, and DICOM) from a private cloud are added to a Dataset in the same way, by using a JSON or CSV file. The file includes links to all images, image groups, videos and DICOM files in your cloud storage.

For a list of supported file formats for each data type, go here
Encord supports file names up to 300 characters in length for any file or video for upload.

Encord enforces the following upload limits for each JSON file used for file registration:

  • Up to 1 million URLs
  • A maximum of 500,000 items (e.g. images, image groups, videos, DICOMs)
  • URLs can be up to 16 KB in size

Optimal upload chunking can vary depending on your data type and the amount of associated metadata. For tailored recommendations, contact Encord support. We recommend starting with smaller uploads and gradually increasing the size based on how quickly jobs are processed. Generally, smaller chunks result in faster data reflection within the platform.

Import or Register your data

STEP 2: Curate your Data

Curation of your data consists of sorting, filtering, using analytics, and embedding plots to create one or more Collections. Collections can then be made into a Dataset for use with your Annotate and Active Projects.


Filter and Sort Data

You can sort your data using a number of data unit metrics. The metrics available to sort your data depends on the data available in the Folder. You can sort your data in ascending and descending order.

Index has a number of criteria available to filter your data. You can only access filtering criteria that is available from the top-level Folder. For example, if you do not have any video or audio data in the top-level Folder or any sub-Folders, you cannot filter your data using those filtering criteria.

Adding key frames (for videos), custom metadata, and custom embeddings) to your data can all significantly improve the speed and effectiveness when filtering your data. We recommend importing customer metadata and custom embeddings with your data, but you can import custom metadata and embeddings after importing your data.


Use Custom Analytic Dashboards

You can create custom analytic dashboards using Distribution and Correlation charts. For more information on analytics dashboards, refer to our documentation.

Adding custom metadata to your data can significantly improve the insights you can gather from your data. We recommend importing customer metadata with your data, but you can import custom metadata after importing your data.


Custom Embeddings and Similarity Search

Adding custom embeddings to your data can significantly improve the insights you can gather from your data. We recommend importing customer embeddings with your data, but you can import custom embeddings after importing your data.
You must Upgrade the top-level Folder and select the custom embeddings to use embedding plot graphs and similarity search.

For information on upgrading your Folder and importing custom embeddings, refer to our documentation.

Custom Embeddings

Similarity Search


Create a Collection

  1. Log in to the Encord platform. The landing page for the Encord platform appears.

  2. Go to Index > Files. The All folders page appears with a list of all folders in Encord.

  3. Click in to a Folder. The landing page for the Folder appears and the Explorer button is enabled.

  4. Click the Explorer button. The Index Explorer page appears.

  5. Search, sort, and filter your data until you have the subset of the data you need.

  6. Select one or more of the images/frames/audio files in the Explorer workspace. A ribbon appears at the top of the Explorer workspace.

    Selecting a video frame selects the entire video. Specific frames from a video cannot be selected.

  7. Click Select all to select all the images in the subset.

  8. Click Add to a Collection.

  9. Click New Collection.

  10. Specify a meaningful title and description for the Collection.

    The title specified here is applied as a tag/label to every selected image.
  11. Click Collections to verify the Collection appears in the Collections list.

STEP 3: Create a Dataset

Once you have a Collection, you can create a Dataset from your Collection.

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