Video tutorials

This page contains video tutorials to get you started using the Encord platform. All tutorials can also be found in the relevant sections of the documentation.


Video Tutorial - Creating a Dataset

Please see our documentation on Datasets to learn more.

Video Tutorial - Creating an AWS integration


Video tutorial - Creating an Ontology

Please see our documentation on Ontologies to learn more.

Annotation Projects & templates

Video tutorial - Creating Workflow templates
Video tutorial - Managing collaborators
Video tutorial - Multiple review stages (Expert review)
Video Tutorial - Creating Projects from templates
Video Tutorial - Managing tasks (Queue tab)
Video Tutorial - Strict review & change review judgement
Video Tutorial - Routers
Video Tutorial - Exporting data from the Encord platform
Video Tutorial - Creating webhooks

Manual QA Projects

Video Tutorial - Creating a new annotation Project

Please see our Projects documentation to learn more.

Video Tutorial - Exporting data from the Encord platform
Video Tutorial - Monitoring annotation progress
Video Tutorial - Uploading annotator instructions


Using the segment anything model (SAM)

Video Tutorial - SAM

See our documentation on SAM for more information.

Using interpolation

Video Tutorial - Interpolation
Video Tutorial - Interpolation (DICOM)

Label editor

How to annotate

Video Tutorial - Annotating images

See our Label Editor (Images) documentation for more information.

Video Tutorial - Annotating videos

See our Label Editor (Videos) documentation for more information.

Working with Bitmasks

See our bitmask documentation for more information.

Reviewing annotations

Video Tutorial - Reviewing images

See our Label Editor documentation for more information.

Video Tutorial - Reviewing videos

See our Label Editor documentation for more information.

Label editor settings

Video Tutorial - Label Editor settings

See our Label Editor documentation for more information.

Comparing file formats in Encord

Video Tutorial - Comparing images, image groups, and image sequences

See our supported data documentation for more information.

Video Tutorial - Creating & using Dynamic attributes

See our documentation on Dynamic attributes for more information.

Encord Active

Video Tutorial - Natural language search in EA