Creating Datasets

See our video on creating Datasets, or follow the step-by-step tutorial below to learn how to create Datasets in Encord.

  1. Click the New dataset button in the Datasets section under the Index heading, to create a new Dataset.
  1. Give your Dataset a meaningful title and description. A clear title and description keeps your data organized.



Toggle Import from integration and select your integration to use cloud storage data. We provide integrations for Azure, Google Cloud Platform, AWS and Open Telekom Cloud.



At least one integration must exist to toggle Import from integration. These can be added in the Data Integrations section. Please refer to the Data integrations documentation for more information.

If you are ready to proceed and upload your data click Create dataset.

  1. The next step is to upload data to your Dataset. This can be done in the following ways:

  2. Uploading data from cloud storage.

  3. Uploading local data.



We recommend uploading smaller batches of data: limit uploads to 100 videos and up to 1000 images at a time. You have the option to create multiple Datasets, all of which can be linked to a single Project. Familiarize yourself with our limits and best practices for data import before uploading data to Encord.

Upload cloud storage data

  1. Create an appropriately formatted JSON or CSV file specifying the data you would like to add to the Dataset.

  2. Click the upload area, or drag-and-drop the JSON or CSV files which specify which cloud storage data should be uploaded. Your stored objects may contain files which are not supported by Encord and which may produce errors on upload - toggle the Ignore individual file errors toggle to ignore these. Click Add data when you're ready.



The data is fetched from your cloud storage and processed asynchronously. This processing involves fetching appropriate metadata and other file information to help the Encord platform render the files appropriately and to check for any framerate inconsistencies. We do not store your files in any way.



For information on how to add data from your private cloud go here

Upload local data

  • A - Select the file type you want to upload. Encord supports the following formats:

  • B - Click and select (or drag-and-drop) the files you want to upload.

    • Unsuccessful uploads result in a red cross displaying.
    • Successful uploads display a green tick . This means your Dataset has been successfully created.



We recommend uploading files in batches not exceeding 2GB, to ensure upload does not exceed 3 hours.



If a video containing audio is uploaded the symbol appears signifying that the file needs to be re-encoded.

Entity relationships

The following diagram illustrates how Datasets relate to other entities in Encord.

  • Projects bring together Ontologies, Datasets, Workflows, and collaborators.
  • A Project can have multiple Datasets attached to it, but only one Ontology.
  • One Ontology can be attached to multiple Projects.

Roles and permissions

User permissions can be set in the Team section of the Dataset Settings. Datasets have the following user-based access controls:

View Dataset
Add data
Adjust settings

Managing Datasets

Use the Datasets tab in the Navigation bar to manage your Datasets.

Click a Dataset to:

  • Upload additional files to the Dataset.
  • Remove files from the Dataset.
  • Manage who has access to the Dataset.

The dashboard is split into two tabs:

Data tab

Use the data tab to upload, and manage existing files.

  • A - Click and select (or drag-and-drop) files into the area highlighted below to upload files to a Dataset.

  • B - Manage files contained in the Dataset.

    • Edit the filename by clicking the icon.
    • Select a file by clicking the checkbox next to the file name.
    • Select a file and press to delete the file from a dataset.
    • Re-encode a file by selecting it and pressing the Re-encode(auto) button.

Settings tab


The Team pane shows a list of collaborators on the Dataset.

  • Invite collaborators by clicking the + Invite collaborators button and adding their emails.
  • New collaborators are assigned the 'Viewer' role by default. A 'Viewer' cannot make changes to the Dataset, only an 'Admin' can.
  • Collaborators can be upgraded to an 'Admin' using the 3 dots to the right of their name.
  • Click the icon to delete a collaborator.



An Admin cannot be reverted to a Viewer. To revoke Admin access for a user, contact [email protected].

Linked Projects

The Projects pane shows a list of Projects using the Dataset.

Click on View to navigate to that Project.

Danger zone (Deleting Datasets)

Use the Danger zone pane to delete Datasets.

Click the Delete dataset button to delete the entire Dataset. You are prompted to type the word 'delete' into the resulting pop-up to delete the Dataset.



Deleting a Dataset can't be undone. Make sure you want to perform this action before continuing.