Create annotation Projects

  1. In the Encord platform, select Projects under Annotate.
  2. Click the + New annotation project button to create a new Project.

1. Project settings



You can create Manual QA Projects by selecting the Manual QA tab.

Provide a meaningful Project title and description.

If you are part of an Organization, an optional Project tags drop-down is visible. Project tags are useful for categorizing and finding your Projects. Select as many tags as are relevant for your Project.

2. Attach Ontology and Datasets

A Project requires an Ontology to define the labels being applied, and at least one Dataset to determine what is being labeled.



DICOM customers might be more familiar with the term 'labeling protocol', which is equivalent to an Ontology.

Attach Ontology

Click the Attach ontology button.

Select an existing Ontology from the list using the Select button, or create a new Ontology by clicking the New ontology button.

Click OK to attach the Ontology to the Project.

Attach Datasets

Click the Attach datasets button.

Select an existing Dataset from the list using the Attach button, or create a new Dataset by clicking the New Dataset button.

Click OK to attach the Dataset(s) to the Project.

3. Select Workflow

The Workflow determines how tasks move through your Project from annotation to completion. A simple Workflow containing one Annotation stage and one Review stage is provided by default.

Select a Workflow template

Click the Load from template button, to use an existing Workflow template.

Select the template you want to use and click Load template to use it for this Project.

Creating a new Workflow

To modify the default Workflow shown on the canvas, click Add stage.

Drag-and-drop components onto the canvas. See our documentation on Workflows for more details.

4. Create Project

After attaching Datasets and an Ontology, and determining the Project's Workflow, the Project is ready. Click Create project to complete the process.