Open Tasks from Active to Annotate

After creating a Collection, you can open annotation tasks of images/frames in the Collection, when the Collection is sent to Annotate. That means regardless of the image's/frame's current status in the Workflow (Annotate, Review, Complete) the task is opened/reopened in Annotate.

Important Information

  • There is no insight on the image's/frame's current status in the Workflow (Annotate, Review, Complete) in Annotate.

  • Reopening a closed task maintains the priority specified in the Collection.



This action cannot be undone. This is a bulk operation on all images/frames in the Collection, and once the action is submitted to Annotate, all images/frames in the Collection are opened/reopened in their Annotate Project. That means regardless of the image's/frame's current status in the Workflow (Annotate, Review, Complete) the task is opened/reopened in Annotate.

Open tasks from Active to Annotate

In addition to opening tasks, all priorities, comments on individual frames/images, and the comment added for the Collection, are sent to the Annotate Project.

To send a Collection to Annotate:
  1. Log in to the Encord platform.
    The landing page for the Encord platform appears.

  2. Click Active in the main menu.
    The landing page for Active appears.

  3. Click the Project.
    The landing page for the Project appears with the Explorer tab selected.

  4. Click Collections.
    The Collections page appears.

  5. Select the checkbox for the Collection to send to Annotate.

  6. Click Send to Annotate.
    The Send to Annotate dialog appears.

  7. Specify the following:

    • Adjust priority of tasks: Specifies the priority of all the images/frames in the Collection, when the images/frames are sent to Annotate.

    • Include model predictions as pre-labels: Includes model predictions as pre-labels in all frames/images in the Collection

    • Reopen tasks: Reopens all annotation tasks on images/frames in the Collection.



      This action cannot be undone.

    • Delete all existing labels: Deletes all existing labels on all frames/images in the Collection.



      This action cannot be undone.

    • Leave a comment: Applies the comment on all frames/images in the Collection.



    Comments applied on a Collection cannot be deleted in bulk. We recommend using comments, created on a Collection, in image sequence and video Datasets.

  8. Click Submit.
    The Subset created successfully dialog appears once creation completes.

  9. Click the link in the dialog to go to the Project in Annotate.

  10. Users in Annotate can then view opened/reopened tasks, priorities on tasks, and can access comments made in the Collection.



After annotating the data, sync the Project data between Annotate and Active. To sync the Project data go to Active > [select the project] > click More > Sync Project Data.

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