Encord’s multimodal platform and configurable label editor make it possible to support data curation and annotation workloads on various types of media, and in various annotation configurations. Follow the end to end walkthrough below to learn how to setup an Audio annotation workload where each task allows you to directly compare two audio files. This could be applicable for example when rating two audio files against each other, or in RLHF flows.

STEP 1: Create Metadata Schema

The schema organizes your custom metadata. Encord supports:

  • Scalars: Methods for filtering and specifying data for custom Label Editor layouts.
  • Enums: Methods with options for filtering.
  • Embeddings: Method for embedding plot visualization, similarity search, and natural language search.

Custom metadata

Custom metadata can store any information which is not the data itself in a key-value format. Custom metadata is often used to describe information useful in curation and management at scale. Encord also uses metadata to create annotation specific layouts in the editor. You set up both using a metadata schema.

To handle your custom metadata schema across multiple teams within the same Organization, we recommend using namespacing for metadata keys in the schema. This ensures that different teams can define and manage their own metadata schema without conflicts. For example, team A could use video.description, while team B could use audio.description. Another example could be TeamName.MetadataKey. This approach maintains clarity and avoids key collisions across departments.

Metadata schema table

Metadata Schema keys support letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and blank spaces ( ), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.). Metadata schema keys are case sensitive.

Use add_scalar to add a scalar key to your metadata schema.

Scalar KeyDescriptionDisplay Benefits
booleanBinary data type with values “true” or “false”.Filtering by binary values
datetimeISO 8601 formatted date and time.Filtering by time and date
numberNumeric data type supporting float values.Filtering by numeric values
uuidUser defined unique identifier for a data unit.Filtering by customer specified unique identifier
varcharTextual data type. Formally string. string can be used as an alias for varchar, but we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use varchar.Displaying data correctly in custom Label Editor layouts and filtering by string.
textText data with unlimited length (example: transcripts for audio). Formally long_string. long_string can be used as an alias for text, but we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you use text.Storing and filtering large amounts of text.

Use add_enum and add_enum_options to add an enum and enum options to your metadata schema.

KeyDescriptionDisplay Benefits
enumEnumerated type with predefined set of values.Facilitates categorical filtering and data validation

Use add_embedding to add an embedding to your metadata schema.

KeyDescriptionDisplay Benefits
embedding1 to 4096 for Index. 1 to 2000 for ActiveFiltering by embeddings, similarity search, 2D scatter plot visualization (Coming Soon)

Incorrectly specifying a data type in the schema can cause errors when filtering your data in Index or Active. If you encounter errors while filtering, verify your schema is correct. If your schema has errors, correct the errors, re-import the schema, and then re-sync your Active Project.

Import your metadata schema to Encord

STEP 2: Create JSON for Import

For a list of supported file formats for each data type, go here.

The following is an example JSON file for uploading two audio files to Encord. Both files include clientMetadata to ensure they display correctly in custom Label Editor layouts.

  • The "encord-layout-group" key determines which files are shown together — files with the same "encord-layout-group" value are displayed simultaneously. Both files in the example appears in the Label Editor simultaneously since they have the same "encord-layout-group" value.

  • The "encord-editor-grid-position" key, set to either A or B, specifies the exact position of each file within the label editor.

One audio file includes audioMetadata and one does not.

We strongly recommend including audioMetadata with each audio file when importing your audio files at scale. Including audioMetadata significantly improves the import speed of data when importing data at scale. When the audioMetadata flag is present in the JSON file, we directly use the supplied metadata without performing any additional validation, and do not store the file on our servers. To guarantee accurate labels, it is crucial that the metadata you provide is accurate.

STEP 3: Import your Audio files

You can import your audio data, using the JSON file you created, using the UI or the SDK.

Import with the UI

To ensure smoother uploads and faster completion times, and avoid hitting absolute file limits, we recommend adding smaller batches of data. Limit uploads to 100 videos or up to 1,000 images at a time. You can also create multiple Datasets, all of which can be linked to a single Project. Familiarize yourself with our limits and best practices for data import/registration before adding data to Encord.
  1. Navigate to Files section of Index in the Encord platform.
  2. Click into a Folder.
  3. Click + Upload files. A dialog appears.
  1. Click Import from cloud data.
We recommend turning on the Ignore individual file errors feature. This ensures that individual file errors do not lead to the whole upload process being aborted.
  1. Click Add JSON or CSV files to add a JSON or CSV file specifying cloud data that is to be added.

Import with the SDK

To use your data in Encord, it must be uploaded to the Encord Files storage. Once uploaded, your data can be reused across multiple Projects and contain no labels or annotations themselves. Files stores your data, while Projects store your labels. The following script creates a folder in Files and uses your AWS integration to register data in that folder.

The following script creates a new folder in Files and initiates uploads from AWS. It works for all file types.

If Upload is still in progress, try again later! is returned, use the script to check the upload status to see whether the upload has finished.

Ensure that you:

  • Replace <private_key_path> with the path to your private key.
  • Replace <integration_title> with the title of the integration you want to use.
  • Replace <folder_name> with the folder name. The scripts assume that the specified folder name is unique.
  • Replace path/to/json/file.json with the path to a JSON file specifying which cloud storage files should be uploaded.
  • Replace A folder to store my files with a meaningful description for your folder.
  • Replace "my": "folder_metadata" with any metadata you want to add to the folder.

The script has several possible outputs:

  • “Upload is still in progress, try again later!”: The registration has not finished. Run this script again later to check if the data registration has finished.
  • “Upload completed”: The registration completed. If any files failed to upload, the URLs are listed.
  • “Upload failed”: The entire registration failed, and not just individual files. Ensure your JSON file is formatted correctly.

STEP 4: Create a Dataset

  1. Click the New dataset button in the Datasets section in Annotate.
  1. Give your Dataset a meaningful title and description. A clear title and description keeps your data organized.
Toggle Looking to create a mirrored dataset? to create a Mirrored Dataset.
  1. Click Create dataset to create the Dataset.

Attach files

To ensure smoother uploads and faster completion times, and avoid hitting absolute file limits, we recommend adding smaller batches of data. Limit uploads to 100 videos or up to 1,000 images at a time. You can also create multiple Datasets, all of which can be linked to a single Project. Familiarize yourself with our limits and best practices for data import/registration before adding data to Encord.
  1. Navigate to the Datasets section under the Annotate heading.
  2. Click the Dataset you want to attach data to.
  3. Click +Attach existing files.
If the files you want have not been uploaded into Encord yet, click +Upload files to upload new files.
  1. Select the folders containing the files you want to attach to the Dataset. To select individual files, double-click a folder to see its contents, and select the files you want to add to the Dataset.

  2. Click Attach data to attach the selected files to the Dataset.

STEP 5: Create an Ontology

  1. Click the New ontology button in the Ontologies section to create a new Ontology.
  1. Give your Ontology a meaningful title and description. A clear title and description keeps your Ontologies organized. Click Next to continue.
  1. Define your Ontology structure.
  • Click Add classification
  • Type ‘Winner?’
  • Click on 0 options to configure options
  • Click Add option
  • Enter the word Yes as an option
  • Click Add option
  • Enter the word No as an option
  • Click Create ontology

STEP 6: Create a Project

  1. In the Encord platform, select Projects under Annotate.
  2. Click the + New annotation project button to create a new Project.
  1. Give the Project a meaningful title and description.

An optional Project tags drop-down is visible. Project tags are useful for categorizing and finding your Projects. Select as many tags as are relevant for your Project.

  1. Click the Attach ontology button.

  2. Select the Ontology you created in STEP 5 and click the Attach button.

  1. Click OK to attach the Ontology to the Project.

  2. Click the Attach datasets button.

  3. Select the Dataset you created in STEP 4 and click the Attach button.

  1. Click OK to attach the Dataset(s) to the Project.
  1. Ensure the default Workflow shown suits your needs.

  2. Click Create project to finish creating the Project.

STEP 7: Import Custom Layout

After creating your Project, import a custom layout for the Label Editor. Start by creating a JSON file that determines the layout.

Create a JSON for the Layout

Import the JSON

  1. Navigate to the Project settings.
  2. Click on Layouts.
  3. Click Upload JSON.
  4. Select the JSON file containing the layout you want the Label Editor to have.

STEP 8: Label and Submit Audio Data

More than a single file appears in the Label Editor. Switch back and forth between the files you are labeling or reviewing using the Annotate from this tile icon.

Label Audio Files

Label audio files using the Classification specified from your Ontology.

To label audio files:

We recommend using hotkeys to speed up and streamline your labelling process. For this example, the Classification hot keys are 2 and Q, but for you they might be different.
  1. Go to Project > [Your Project Title] > Queue > Annotate.

    The Project Annotate Queue appears with a list of audio files for labelling.

  2. Click Initiate next to a file from the Project Queue.

    Two audio files appear in the Label Editor.

  3. Press 2 to select the Winner Classification.

    The options for the Classification appear.

  4. Press Q to select Yes.

  5. Click and then drag the sections of the audio file that appears at the top of the Label Editor.

  6. Press N to save the Classifications on the audio file.

  7. Click the Annotate from this tile icon to switch to annotating the bottom audio file.

  8. Press Q to select Yes.

  9. Click and then drag the sections of the audio file that appears at the top of the Label Editor.

  10. Press N to save the Classifications on the audio file.

  1. Click Submit.

    The next set of audio files for annotation appears.

STEP 9: Review Audio Data

Approving tasks moves the tasks to the next stage in a workflow. In this example, that is Complete.

Rejecting tasks sends the tasks back to the first stage in a workflow. In this example, that is Annotate.


To approve labels on audio files:

  1. Go to Project > [Your Project Title] > Queue > Review.

    The Project Review Queue appears with a list of audio files for labelling.

  2. Click Initiate next to a file from the Project Queue.

    Two audio files appear in the Label Editor.

  3. Expand the Winner Classification.

    The options for the Classification appear.

  4. Select the Classifications applied to the audio file.

  5. Press N to approve the Classifications on the audio file.

  6. Press the Review from this file icon.


  7. Expand the Winner Classification.

    The options for the Classification appear.


  8. Select the Classifications applied to the audio file.

  9. Press N to approve the Classifications on the audio file.

  10. Click Approve task to move the task to the next stage.


    In this example, that is the Complete stage.



To reject labels on audio files:

  1. Go to Project > [Your Project Title] > Queue > Review.

    The Project Review Queue appears with a list of audio files for labelling.

  2. Click Initiate next to a file from the Project Queue.

    Two audio files appear in the Label Editor.

  3. Expand the Winner Classification.

    The options for the Classification appear.

  4. Select the Classifications applied to the audio file.

  5. Press B to reject the Classifications on the audio file.

    A dialog appears.

  6. Provide a reason for rejecting the Classification.

  7. Press the Review from this file icon.


  8. Expand the Winner Classification.

    The options for the Classification appear.


  9. Select the Classifications applied to the audio file.

  10. Press B to reject the Classifications on the audio file.

  11. Click Reject task to reject the tasks.


Both tasks then appear in the Annotate stage.


Files in the Complete stage can be reopened.
